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This was the first commission from someone wanting to fill out his Toybiz Age of Apocalypse toy collection. He wanted me to use old Toybiz X-Men figures and wanted me to start with Storm.
I used the Robot Fighters Storm figure, the one with short hair and those long front pigtails. I cut those off as per the customer’s request. I gave her the tattoo over her eye and painted her eyes with glow in the dark yellow paint, again as per the customer’s request.
The figure was completely repainted black and white where needed, the white part of her outfit that goes over her shoulders was cut to shape from a sheet of foam and glued on and painted where needed. The belt was from a Sinister cape strap and the front part of her outfit that hangs between her legs is clear vinyl folded to shape, glued in place, and painted. I never thought I’d have to use old X-Men figures for bases, but I think it turned out nicely.