When Mattel first announced the DC: Club Infinite Earths online subscription program, the big incentive to get people to sign up for it was the promise of a DC Universe Classics Poison Ivy action figure. She was one of the most fan demanded figures in the entire line, and Mattel never did get to her, until the Club idea came up. I don’t know how responsible Poison Ivy was in getting it to happen, but the Club did get its minimum number of subscribers, and true to their word, Mattel released a Poison Ivy 6″ action figure this past October. Join me as I take a closer look at the DC Signature Collection Poison Ivy action figure and determine whether or not she’s worthy to join the rest of Batman’s Rogues Gallery.
PACKAGING– The DC Signature Collection packaging is very simple in design. As opposed to the often flamboyant DC Universe Classics packaging, Mattel opted to go for a sleeker box design. It all looks fine though, and is most likely much easier to ship this way. It has all the appropriate logos and names letting you know exactly what you’re getting.
Poison Ivy herself is displayed front and center in the box, so you can see what you’re getting as well. The side features some very beautiful art work of Poison Ivy. The back features the full version of the Poison Ivy painting by Mike Thompson. The back also features a bio for the character. When I first saw pictures of the packaging online, I wasn’t a fan. But I must admit, it’s really grown on me. I’m a big fan of simplistic designs that work well, and this one works very well. The best part is that since it’s a box, it’s collector friendly. Just cut a strip of tape, and the box opens easily, and closes right back up and looks like it was never opened, should you want to be able to play with your figures and display them MOC.
SCULPT – Poison Ivy’s sculpt utilizes a nice mix of old and new parts. Her arms are completely reused, as well as her legs down to her ankles. The new pieces are her torso, feet, and of course her head. I don’t mind the reuse at all, since it all works well together. A lot of people thought she was reusing the barefooted Cheetah feet, but I’m happy to report that they are in fact completely brand new. I really dig her new torso. She has sculpted leaves adorning the edges of her outfit, as well as a choker necklace also made of leaves. The head sculpt is absolutely gorgeous, and easily my favorite female head sculpt in the entire line. The look on her face is one of anger, but not overly so, so it works for any number of poses. Her hair is very long and flowing, with lots of random leaves sculpted to look as if they’re caught all throughout it. It’s actually quite amazing how much hair detail is put into it. My only real complaint about the sculpt is her hands. I just don’t know why she has fists. Ivy has never been a brawler, and she almost never has a reason to ball her fist, since she lets her plants do all the fighting. So I think more appropriate hands might have been completely open ones, perhaps to signal her plants to attack or something like that. I know they have hands like that already sculpted, so it would have been simple reuse like the fists are. It doesn’t ruin the figure at all, but it does irk me.
PAINT – There’s actually not too much paint on Poison Ivy. Most of the figure is cast in a very bright green plastic. It reminds me of Lime Sherbet, actually. All of her bare skin is this same color, with no washes or anything else applied. Her toenails are painted a dark green though. Her outfit is painted a deep green, with dark green airbrushed onto it in certain spots to help accentuate the sculpt. She has green lipstick painted onto her lips, and her eyes and eyebrows are tampoed on pretty well. Once again, the hair shines here. It looks fantastic. The very deep reds applied look great, as there’s all kinds of washes and dry brushes in it to really help bring out the sculpt. And of course all of the leaves in her hair are painted green. I’m honestly not bothered by the lack of washes or air brushing on her skin, but I do wish it looked less glow-in-the-dark. Also, there’s quite a bit of slop around her choker. I have no idea what happened there, but it’s actually quite noticable. That’s the only sloppiness I could find on the paint though.
ARTICULATION – She has a ball jointed neck, ball jointed shoulders, bicep swivels, single elbows, cut wrists, cut ab joint, t-hinge hips, thigh rotators, single knees, and hinged ankles. For the most part, it’s the standard DCUC articulation Mattel has been impletmenting since back in the DC Superheroes days. The notable exception is her ab articulation. This type of ab articulation had only been used on one other female figure before, Star Sapphire, and is reused here. I like that this helps make the sculpt look better, but it’s severely limited in its movement. There’s absolutely no hint of an ab crunch at all, either forward or backward. It does rotate left and right, but no crunching whatsoever. That really bothers me, as I find the ab crunch an integral piece of articulation. All the other articualtion is standard though, and for the most part work fine. Her hips are a bit wobbly, but so far they haven’t caused her to topple over on her own.
ACCESSORIES – Poison Ivy includes three accessories. She has three vines, two of which wrap around her arms, and one that wraps around her leg. They are completely removable and quite flexible (though not wire bendy or anything like that). They are a very nice addition to the figure, and look great on her. It’s also really fun to use them on other figures, perhaps to tie them up, or to indicate that they’re under her control. I really dig that type of display option. After a little while, they do tend to slide on their own though. So find a good hold with them on her limbs, because they could just slide right off which is kind of annoying.
FUN – Based purely on the character, Poison Ivy is a lot of fun. Character recognition matters quite a bit when determining how fun a figure is, and it definitely helps it here. Her lack of ab crunch limits her posing options, which does detract from the fun factor a bit, but when you get right down to it, this is a 6″ DCUC styled Poison Ivy figure, and I’ll be damned if it’s not fun to pose her and display her with Harley Quinn and Catwoman, or with Batman, messing up his day.
QUALITY CONTROL/THINGS TO WATCH OUT FOR – Just be careful not to lose those vines. Keep good track of them.
OVERALL – Despite its problems, it’s still a pretty good figure. Much of the sculpt is reused, but the new pieces are spectactular, especially the head. Having the best looking female head sculpt in the entire DCUC line is definitely an achievement. The use of fists for her is weird, but it doesn’t ruin the figure. The paint job on her head is really great, though she does have some slop around her neck area which is very noticable up close. The strange torso articulation is pretty distracting, and the ab crunch is definitely missed. While she doesn’t come with many accessories, they really add to her value and are a lot of fun to utilize in posing. This has been a fan demanded figure for years, so it’s finally great to see it come to fruition. It is kind of bittersweet though, since as fun as the figure is, it’s not perfect by any means. It does fit in with the rest of the DCUC figures, and she looks awesome displayed with the other Batman Rogues. If you’re interested in expanding your Rogues, or your DC collection in general, I’d recommend picking her up. Even with the nitpicks, I still think the figure is worth the purchase.
FINAL SCORE: 3.5 / 5
Where to buy: Unfortunately this was only available on Mattycollector.com back in October and is now sold out. So you’ll have to resort to the secondary market to pick her up.
Be sure to check out these extra photos below that couldn’t fit in the review.
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