My Custom Voltaire Featured on Zombies Vs. Ninjas!

Hello, all. A while back on Facebook, I teased that something I created would be in a popular internet animated series. Well, now I’m happy to say that I can finally share it with you! The popular series in question is called Zombies Vs. Ninjas from Shut Up! Cartoons on Youtube. It was created by Michael Granberry, an animator for Robot Chicken! My custom figure of musician Aurelio Voltaire was featured and fully animated in the latest episode, and will be appearing the next one as well. And yes, Voltaire himself provided the voice for the figure.

Continue after the jump for the video and the story behind the experience!


My custom figure comes in at about the 0:44 mark, but I highly suggest watching the whole video, and checking out the rest of the series as well!


Now, believe me, my involvement in Zombies Vs. Ninjas was extremely minimal. Basically, as many of you know, I created that custom Voltaire figure last year as a gift for the man on which it was based. Earlier this year I get a random Facebook message from him telling me that the custom figure was going to be featured in this animated web series, and he was doing the voice for it.

The next thing I know I’m being contacted by the creator/producer Michael Granberry himself telling me how awesome he thought the figure was, and how great he thought my other customs were. I had to sign a non-disclosure agreement saying I wouldn’t say anything about the show until it premiered, and I got an official credit in the video. So I get to share credit in the same video as Voltaire and someone who animated for Robot Chicken, in an extremely popular animated web series. All in all, I’d say that’s pretty cool.

And to reiterate, the custom Voltaire figure will be featured in the next episode as well, premiering next Friday. I will be sure to post a link to that as well for anyone interested in seeing it. So, this was a pretty cool experience. And who knows, maybe more of my work will become animated in the future! Thanks for checking out the video and reading through my ramblings!

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