This was supposed to go up yesterday, but I was visiting a relative in the hospital most of yesterday and didn’t get the chance, so here you go. So let’s just jump right in, shall we?
Joker asks: Since the new DC Unlimited and Batman Unlimited figures will no longer feature a “collect and connect” figure, will the retail price end up being cheaper than DC Universe Classics, or will extra accessories be included with the new lines to justify the same price?
Neither actually. Raw material and labor costs continue to rise so removing the C&C element is our way of keeping costs around the same level.
Nathan asks: Next year during Club Infinite Earths, we’re only getting one oversized figure with Mallah. There doesn’t seem to be any more scheduled, and there are no more collect and connect figures either. So how/when will we be seeing more of the larger DC characters in figure form?
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