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This custom was an afterthought from the movie Angel custom. The torso is from the Hawkman figure I used the wings from earlier, the head is from a Black suit Superman (already with mullet), the legs are from an LCBH Savage Dragon figure, and the wings are hand-made.
So I started off this custom switching out the legs of Hawkman for the legs of Savage Dragon, and switching out the head with that of the mulleted Superman. Then, I used apoxie to sculpt the edges and wrinkles of Brock’s tank top, and painted it white. After that I took some testors leather (great paint to use for anything colored brown), and dry brushed the pants until they were the right color.
After that, I started on the head. For the head I had to sculpt on the sideburns, and even sculpt on some hair to the preexisting mullet to make it look curly. Then I had to dremmel down all around the top of Supes’ head and sculpt on what would be the main part of the “henchman cowl”. Then I drilled two small holes in the top, and used clear twisties for the antanae with sculpted bulbs on the end. Covered up the holes around the base of the antanae, and painted it black. Then I cut out the shape of the henchman mask from a sheet of foamies, glued it on, and painted it accordingly. After that I painted the hair as well.
Then I worked on the wings. The wings are cut out from a foamies sheet as well. I just cut it to size and shape, painted them orange, and attached them. To do this, I took a small part of a twistie and sculpted it to I could drill a hole in the back and insert it, but also glue the other side to the wings so they would retain their slightly folded back shape.
Then, for extra effort (I always love to be as accurate as possible), I took my green sharpie pen and drew the half-done Iccarus tattoo Brock was sporting in the episode.
Wrap it up by giving him one of the knives that came with the LCBh Clownface figure and there you go.