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Cable was created using the body of an X3 Colossus figure, with the head of an X-Men Classics Magneto, the lower legs from an X3 Juggernaut, various fodder pieces from several other figures, and of course plenty of sculpting.
The wires on his chest, arm, and leg are headphone wire painted yellow. The ports on his left arm came from a Legendary Comic Book Heroes Superpatriot that I cut off and glued on. The pouches on his belt came from Superpatriot as well. I took some pieces from the same XMC Magneto I got the head from as well as a Marvel Legends Ultimate war Machine and attached them to his right arm. His shoulder pad and back armor piece are from random Fist of the North Star figures.
His gun is made from two random fodder guns I found in my bin that I fused together into something Cable could wield, because what good is Cable without a giant gun?
The “X” symbol on his chest, as well as other pieces on his chest, arm, and leg were sculpted on. Then everything was painted approrpiately to give, in my opinion, a pretty game accurate Cable figure.