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The Space Neo Viper is an original concept that one of my clients paid me to put into action figure form and I happily obliged. The main body is that of a Rise of Cobra Neo Viper, with the helmet, upper legs, and weapons from an Accelerator Suit Duke figure. The Jetpack is from a 25th anniversary Duke Figure.
I switched out the Neo Viper’s upper legs with the Duke figure’s to give him a bit of visual variety, I took the arm gauntlets and shoulder pads from the same Duke figure and attached them to the Neo Viper. The front console on the Viper’s chest is actually the backpack that came with the Neo Viper I just attached it to the front to appear as if it was his space suit console that controlled his oxygen and whatnot.
I reworked the head to give it an original look and the helmet was taken from the same Accelerator Suit Duke figure, with the visor replaced with some clear blister taken from an action figure package.
The figure was completely painted with Testors Model Masters paints. I used gloss white on the head (with gloss black for the eyes) and dry brushed flat white over the entire body. Then I dry brushed silver on top of that to give it a metallic sheen.
The finishing touch was giving the weapons a realistic repaint and adding some custom made Cobra logo decals to the chest and jetpack and the Space Viper is ready to join the ranks of Cobra’s army!

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