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*** Head on over to my Ebay Auctions to see what’s available this week, or commission me if you’d like your very own custom action figure like this one. ***
The articulation on the Marvel Legends Amazing Spider-Man 2 figure is great, though the paint job was lacking. I’ve given the figure a full repaint, and made it much more vibrant than before (especially the blue areas) with deep shading and bright highlights. I even outlined all the webbing on his suit to help it stand out more. I also embedded some Rare Earth magnets in his feet so he can stick to most metal surfaces. I took the Andrew Garfield Peter Parker head from the first movie figure and dremeled it to fit the new figure, gave him a web line, and gave a weathered repaint to the Young Justice Red Arrow rooftop display, and now Spidey is ready to take down Electro, Rhino, and anyone else who threatens New York!

Was a headcast used or just the head from the movie figure toy? I would like one for my figure.
It was the head from the original figure. I don’t know if I know anyone who sells casts of the head, unfortunately.
Hey would Like a custom figure I even have my own figure that I can send you.
How much do you charge? It’s for someone who saved my girlfriend from being raped by 2 guys on of them even had a gun.
I just got info from the police on how to contact him. When My girlfriend asked him why did he risk his life She told he said With great power, Come great Responsibility he then stayed with her til the cops came.
So I would really like to get this for him, I’m sure he’ll appreciate it.
Wow, that’s an amazing story. Send me an email to john.mintcondition@gmail.com and we’ll discuss it. Make sure to have the subject be something in relation to “custom figure commission” so I won’t miss it.
Hi, I’m really interested in this figure,where can I buy it?
How did you paint his webbing?? Looks so perfect!!