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I haven’t seen too many customs of Ms. Marvel when she was Binary, and I wanted to tackle her since she’s a visually interesting character. The base figure is a Hasbro Marvel Legends Elektra, the head is from a Fantastic Four Classics Human Torch (the one that came with Impossible Man), and the boots are from Marvel Legends Wasp. The body was painted with testors white, and the red on her costume was given a dark metallic look for aesthetic purposes.
The flames circling her biceps and thighs were pieced from a Human Torch and glued on, with hot glue filling in the gaps and then painted. I grafted the boots from Wasp onto the figure and used small screws as pegs so the feet could turn. The head was chosen since it already had a rather feminine face, and was already clear and had fire coming off of it. Still, I sanded down the cheeks to make it seem a tad smaller, and had to modify the neck so the head would fit properly on it. And there you have it.