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Mistress of Torture for the Evil Horde!REAL NAME: Iruss of Retinali
Down in the lower parts of the Fright Zone is a prison for captured rebels. There, the prisoners are tortured for information or sometimes just for cruel enjoyment. Keeper of this place of pain is the one eyed femme fatale known as Eye-Lash. A former dungeon keeper on her homeworld of Retinali, she joined Hordak with the promise of being able to interrogate prisoners as she saw fit. Her weapon of choice is her “Cat Eye Nine Tails”, a multi-strapped whip with ball bearings on each end that look like eyeballs. While she is often busy in her dungeon, Eye-Lash is also a skilled hand-to-hand combatant trained in a martial art native to her home planet and is often sent out with her fellow Horde members on missions. If her main eye is somehow blinded, the eyes on her hands take over to allow her to see. She is so well known for her cruel ways that when other Horde members want to scare each other, they tell stories of her many torture sessions. Ever ready to do what Hordak asks, Eye-Lash uses her whip to torture prisoners in the name of the Evil Horde!
The design and concept for Eye-Lash was created completely by Joe Martin. He had entered it into the 2012 Masters of the Universe Classics Create-A-Character Contest. Sadly it did not win, so he came to me to realize his creation in action figure form. I used a Masters of the Universe Classics Catra as the base. I had to resculpt the head, giving her the giant single eyeball and sculpting her hair and fusing it with hair from a movie Invisible Woman figure. For the actual eyelashes, I actually used a pair of fake eyelashes carefully glued into place and trimmed to fit. The hands are Catra’s hands combined with the fingers from a NECA Aliens Xenomorph. Each finger also has a bendable wire so they’re fully poseable! The eyeballs all over her body are made from small beads. Her choker, and the emblems on her gauntlets and boots are made from styrene. The whip is made from the handle of an axe in my fodder bin, and all 9 of the whips are thick fabric thread knotted at the end with beads attached to each painted to look like eyeballs. Everything was painted using Mr. Martin’s design as my guide, and that’s it! Eye-Lash is ready to fight for the Evil Horde, and a very fond Masters of the Universe fan is made happy.

What can I say. She’s wonderful!