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Seeing as how The wolverine movie is set to come out next year, I felt it would be cool to put out a custom movie style Logan figure, in his civilian clothes. I didn’t intend for him to be based on any one movie. This is more of a general custom based on the look he had through all of the X-Men movies, so he could blend in to any X-Men movie display. I used what I considered the best parts to assemble the best possible movie style Logan figure I could. The head is from an X2 Claw Strike Wolverine (which is the best likeness to Hugh Jackman I’ve ever seen on an action figure), the torso is from a Diamond Select Toys Deluxe 50’s Angel, the legs, jacket, and jacket arms come from an X2 Battle Attack Logan, the bare arms, and interchangeable hands come from an X2 Street Fight Logan figure, and the dog tags come from a Sota Street Fighter Guile.
First, I had to remove the Battle Attack Logan torso fromt he legs, then I had to do some dremeling to the 50’s Angel torso to make it fit over the waist swivel disc in the legs. Luckily, the DST Deluxe Buffy and Angel figures’ torsos are all soft resin, so with a little heat you can get this to work. And it makes removing the arms a breeze too. I just had to dremel out some space in the shoulder sockets, sand down the joint discs in each pair of the Logan arms, and now you can switch between both looks. I also modified the neck so his head could move up and down, in addition to turning left and right. I had to paint the exposed skin on the torso to match the bare Logan arms, and do the same to Logan’s face, since they were all three different shades of flesh tone, then I had to repaint Logan’s facial hair and stubble. I added some realistic shading to his tank top, glued the dog tags in place on the back of his neck, and that was that. Now he’s super poseable, and can be switched between two different distinct looks from the movies.

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