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Another repaint…also some custom accessories. This may sound weird, but I thought the makeup on the Joker looked too…clean. It was too neat. And from every picture I saw the Joker’s makeup in the movie is anything but clean and neat. So I made it look messy, crazy, like he’s in a hurry to go out and cause some mayhem.
I just put some more black around his eyes and made them bleen out, and painted some flesh tone around his face to make the makeup look as if it’s smearing. And I used some red and did the same thing with the lipstick, and dry brushed some brown in his hair to show the green dye is fading.
The knife he came with was awful. It wasn’t even a knife…it was a flimsy piece of plastic. So I threw it away and gave him a knife that came with a McFarlane Corporal Hicks figure (I happened to have one lying around).
And I custom-made him a BANG prop gun. This was done with one of the pistols that came with the Sin City Manute figure, and I found an arrow that came with a Buffy figure, and it just happened to fit in the barrel, so I bore out the hole a bit more, put some krazy glue in and shoved it in. The flag was actually a cut-out square from a Movie Blackheart’s coat (didn’t need it for anything…), and dremmeled down so the arrow could fit snugly into it, glued on, and painted white…used a Sharpie Pen to right BANG! on it.
Then I did a combination of boiling and krazy glue to give the Joker a gun hand and have him properly hold the gun…it was a method I thought of to ensure that the hand would stay in place and give it extra friction to hold the gun…however I’m sure I’m not the first one to think of it. Anyway, this is a long explanation for a quick custom, so I’ll let you just see the pictures.