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The second custom to be completed in my Watchmen set is Dr. Manhattan. He was created using a Marvel Universe Silver Surfer figure.
There was no swapping parts or sculpting on this figure. Nope, I just took a Silver Surfer and painted him completely from head to toe, in all nooks, crannies, and joints. I started this by completely painting the figure with a dark mettalic testors blue. Then, over that, I dry-brushed some Testors French Blue, and over that still I dry-brushed some gloss white to bring out the details even more.
Of course I took my time on parts, such as the face. On the face I carefully made sure his cheek bones and his lips stood out, and I toom some metallic dark blue and painted it around his eyes, then painted his actual eyes gloss white. Then I took the same metallic dark blue and painted the symbol Dr. Manhattan sports on his forehead.
Then, I painted his black speedos on him using flat black. That’s about all for the actual figure, but if you notice from the photos, I did include an accessory.
I used the clear plastics twisties that used to come standard with almost every action figure to sculpt a base of electrical bolts so when you pose Dr. Manhattan on the base it looks as if the electricity is coming from him, like in the scene when he is first “born”. After sculpting it, I reinforced all the seams and “joints” where I twisted two ties together with krazy glue, and painted it with french blue, and added some white to it. The base does retain its shape even after prolonged posing, and it does actually lift the figure off of the ground. And It’s easy to pose him with the base. Just insert his arms and legs through the winding parts of the base and voila!
Stay tuned for more Watchmen.