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I bring you my favorite character in Blade Trinity (and probably everybody’s favorite character in that movie), Hannibal King.
The first thing I did with the movie Punisher figure is remove his head, as well as his arms. I then took the head from a 50’s Angel figure (Buffy), dremmeled it out and made it fit on the Punisher’s neck peg. Then I cracked open the Punisher’s torso and fit the shoulder joints and upper arms from a Legendary Riders Logan figure in it, and used the Forearms from the Punisher to give him that 3/4 sleeved look that he had in the movie. Of course doing that meant a lot of dremmeling on the forearm pegs as well as the inside of the Wolverine arms. Then I painted gloves onto the hands, painted over the Punisher skull on the shirt, and even painted the arms and neck the same flesh tone as the head I was using.
And speaking of the head, I had to do a lot of work on it. First I repainted the eyebrows to make him look angrier, and then I did a lot of sculpting with Aves Apoxie. The beard is completely sculpted on, and I even sculpted some hair into the left part of the head to make it look more like Hannibal’s hair in the movie (before it was just parted on the left side). Then I painted over the apoxie a dark brown to match the hair, and then dry brushed a lighter brown over it to bring out the details.
My next step was the vest. I was so lucky to have another Plan B Special Forces vest (the other went to my Punisher), and was my main inspiration for starting the custom. Weird I know, but it had me excited. I took the stakes from a spare Blade, and glued them on the front, and then painted the target on the back that Hannibal so proudly sports in the movie. And the best part is it’s removable (though I doubt I’ll be removing it much).
Then I took the strap and holster from a spare Movie Daredevil figure, glued the strap onto Hannibal’s left leg, then glued the holster on, and painted it black. I also cut it up as well as the holster that the Punisher already had to fit the guns I gave him.
And now for the guns (gotta love segues). The guns are from a LCBH Judge Dredd figure, slightly modified to look more like Hannibal’s in the movie as well as to be able to fit in the holsters I gave him.
That’s about it. All in all, I’m really happy with it. And to sound as humble as possible, I’m really proud of the sculpting I did on the beard. I wasn’t sure I could do it, because I had never done that before…so I surprised myself. Hopefully you all like it too.