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This would be the second in some quick Iron Man customs. I actually like this one more than my Mark 3 because I did a lot more to it.
I took the Mark 3 head and put it on the this body, however since the head was bigger than the neck ball, I had to add apoxie and sand it down to get it to fit right. I didn’t end up with a perfect ball, but it still fits and that’s all I care about. You can see that in the pictures.
I also did the same thing with his shoulder armor by making it stay attached to the armor better with crazy glue.
Then, the best part…I painted it. Not the whole thing of course, just his exposed torso area. It was a dull solid gray color before, which annoyed me.
So I used some gloss testors acrylic paints and painted the wires reds, greens, and blues, and painted over some areas with black so it would seep into the cracks, then did a silver dry-brushing to bring out that detail. I was basically going for a car engine look since that’s what it kinda looked like already.