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I’ve seen a plethora of movie/ultimate Nick Fury customs on various sites. Of course the head they use is the McFarlane Shaft head on any number of bodies.
But I’ve yet to see someone use the Shaft head on the body of the newly released Ultimate Nick Fury figure from Hasbro.
So I thought I’d be the first. Of course it’s based on his appearance in Iron Man, but I figured I’d keep the pants the color they are and keep all the tactical straps and whatnot because his appearance in Iron Man was more leisurely. If he were out on the battlefield he would be geared up. Or at least that’s my reasoning.
So I just took the Shaft head, fit it on the Nick Fury body, painted the neck to match the head, used black sewing thread for the eyepatch strap and of course apoxie for the eyepatch and painted it black.
That’s it. Again, not the most complex of customs, but for someone who wants the entire Marvel Movieverse in figure form, Nick Fury is a must have.
Side note – The Hulk figure in the last picture is actually a movie Hulk I’m working on. But I needed a Hulk for a Movie Avengers picture. And I know that’s not a Movie Captain America, but I figure the Ultimate look is the best bet for a movie style Cap…so I just had him stand there.