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This is a custom of an original character created for a different project. I wasn’t going to reveal the images until the near of the project’s completion, but it was put on an indefinite hiatus long ago, so now I give you the nameless P.I. He was made using the body from a Hush Commissioner Gordon, the head from a Rain of Fire Wesley (from the Angel toy line), and the neck from a Movie Punisher.
The first step was removing the head from the Gordon body. That left me with a nice hole that the peg from the bottom of the Movie Punisher neck fit into quite snugly, and was still able to be removeable (the neck and head needed to be removeable with the body from another figure. All apart of the other project). Then I painted the neck to match the head, and did a wash over Wesley’s stubble to bring it out more.
Next, I painted the tie black (it was red). The man in charge of the other project and I decided a black tie was better.
Next came the most painstaking (emphasis on PAIN) part of the entire process. Adding articulation. I added rotators on each bicep, thigh, and even his waist. To do this, I had to take my hobby knife and do a clean cut straight through each part, use my dremmel to smooth down the surfaces on the places where I cut so they would fit against each other flat, then add screws. I added small screws in one part and dremmeled a hole in the other side so I could pop the screw heads into the holes to work as pegs. It was really hard, and added some poseability to the figure. I mean, DC Direct isn’t known for giving its figures great articulation anyway.
Now, the waist…hardest part of the whole thing. Mostly because the waist is so thick, it took forever to get the knife through there…remember the pain part? Ouch. Sliced my fingers open more than once. But I got it through and applied the same process, so now he can turn his body. Also helps out a lot.
That’s about it for this one. Just a cool original badass P.I.
Note: The last photo shows the P.I. standing over the body of Captain America. This was taken as a concept photo to show the man in charge of the other project how his idea would look in 3 dimensions. Confused? Well that’s all I’m gonna say about the project in case it starts back up again.