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Once again proving how versatile the Dark Knight Joker Thug is, I bring you Milton Fine from Smallville. I’m not sure what possessed me to do this…I just have so many Spike figures lying around and the Joker Thug seemed perfect for the body so I figured why not?
I swapped out the heads and hands, and even molded the hands to be able to hold his briefcase (which I’ll get to later).
Then I painted his hair and eyebrows dark dark brown, I removed the tie from the Thug and painted over the leftover area to cover it up. I also painted his shoes black. And I painted the neck to match the flesh tone of the face.
Then I took a Laptop accessory that came with a WWE figure and decided to make it a briefcase-laptop…since everyone in that show has a briefcase that’s really a laptop.
I used some plastic bar and apoxie to make the handle used apoxie to make the clasps, then painted it all black. Then I painted the screen black and painted the Kryptonian symbol for “S” on the screen. Because as fans of the show know, he is out to eliminate Kal-El.
That’s about it. Didn’t take too much time, but I like how it turned out. Simple, yet very effective.