New Custom Action Figures – DCUC Alfred Pennyworth, Arkham City Bruce Wayne

Hey guys! The new custom action figures for this week are are a 6″ DCUC style Alfred Pennyworth, and an Arkham City style Bruce Wayne. The Alfred figure is partly inspired by his look from Batman the Animated Series, but ultimately made to blend in with the other DCUC figures. Bruce Wayne is of course inspired by his design in Batman: Arkham City, and is made to fit in with the other DC Collectibles or Mattel Arkham City figures. Just click on each photo below to view the full photo sets and descriptions.

Also, each custom is currently for auction on eBay! If you’re interested in owning either figure, then please feel free to bid. If you know someone who is interested, then pass the links along! Here are the eBay auction links for each custom:

Alfred Pennyworth

Bruce Wayne

As always, thanks for looking!

Custom Bruce Wayne (Arkham City Style) 6″ DC Universe Action Figure – Created January 13th, 2013

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*** Head on over to my Ebay Auctions to see what’s available this week, or commission me if you’d like your very own custom action figure like this one. ***

I’m a huge fan of the Batman: Arkham City video game and want figures of as many characters as possible. In the game, we got to see Bruce Wayne, sans the Batman costume. DC Collectibles gave us a Batman figure with an unmasked Bruce Wayne head, but his face was painted to look infected, just like in the game. So I used the head from that figure, and the body of a Mattel WWE Michael Cole Collect & Connect figure. I chose that body, because not only was he wearing a suit, it was the perfect height and build that really resembled how Bruce looked in the game, and was bulky enough that you could tell he had the body of Batman under that suit. So I repainted the shirt white, and the tie blue to match the game. I had to completely repaint the head to cover the painted on veins, and repainted the neck and hands to match the new face flesh tone. And now Bruce Wayne is ready to help take down Arkham City any way he can.

Custom Bruce Wayne (Arkham City Style) 6" DC Universe Action FigureCustom Bruce Wayne (Arkham City Style) 6" DC Universe Action Figure

Review – Azrael – Arkham City, DC Collectibles

DC Collectibles Arkham City Azrael 7" Action Figure

Following DC Collectibles’ huge success with their line of figures based on the video game Arkham Asylum, they’re now into series 3 of their line of Arkham City figures. Series 3 includes the subject of today’s review, Azrael. He was featured in the game in one of the side missions, but was not really integral to the plot. Still, he’s been one of the more popular Batman characters since he first appeared in the 90’s, and action figures of him usually sell very well. So it’s no surprise that DC Collectibles would pick him for a figure to be made, seeing as how he’s a popular character from an immensely popular video game.

But does the figure live up to the hype? Keep reading and find out as I take a closer look.
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News – DC Collectibles Arkham City Series 4 Revealed

DC Collectibles Batman Arkham City Series 4 Nightwing Talia Al GhulIt was announced yesterday that DC Collectibles would be showcasing a lot of new product this weekend at New York Comic-Con. Amongst everything was Arkham City series 4, revealing Nightwing, Talia Al Ghul, and a brand new Batman figure (that’s right, not the same one they’ve been using since wave 1 of Arkham Asylum) with a very wide range of articulation, something DC Collectibles is not known for.

Continue after the jump for the full photo.

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News – Lego Batman Arkham Asylum Breakout Set Announced

LEGO Batman Arkham Asylum BreakoutJust when you think LEGO is slowing down with Batman sets, they hit us with something like this. The website Brickset posted information regarding this new set, titled “Arkham Asylum Breakout”. It was unveiled in Seattle during Brick Con and will come with 1,619 pieces! Several years ago, LEGO released another Arkham Asylum set that only had 860 pieces, so this is incredible. Continue after the jump to read the full set of information, and to get a look at some hi-def photos!

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New Guide – How to Fix DC Collectibles Arkham City Killer Croc’s Shoulder

How to Repair DC Collectibles Deluxe Arkham City Killer Croc's Broken ShoulderIf you’re one of the many people out there who had their DC Collectibles Arkham City Killer Croc’s arm break off at the shoulder, then great news! I have a new tutorial up on my site that teaches you how to fix it. It’s the best method I found that has worked perfectly for my own Croc. Just click here to read the full tutorial. I hope it helps.

Guide to Repairing Arkham City Killer Croc Broken Shoulder

If there’s one thing DC Collectibles (formerly DC Direct) is known for, it’s making figures with great sculpts and paint jobs. Something they’re not usually known for is making incredibly stable action figures. Such is the case with the Deluxe Arkham City Killer Croc figure. Almost immediately after it was released, people started reporting Croc’s arm (usually the left one, for some reason) just falling off on its own. No provocation, no dropping, just standing perfectly still on the shelf, and the weight of the arm itself somehow shearing the shoulder peg in two. Clearly, the joint pegs and discs used in this figure wasn’t very strong, but still in my case it did actually take the Croc figure falling from a great height to break his shoulder. Again in my case, it was the right shoulder. So of course I then wanted to go about not only fixing the figure, but creating a tutorial on how anyone could fix their own Croc’s arm, without having to worry about spending money replacing it.

For this tutorial, you’ll need the following: 14 Gauge Galvanized Steel bendable Wire (Found at the Walmart hardware sextion, or any hardware store), pliers, Krazy Glue (or any kind of super adhesive you prefer), and your Dremel (with drill bits).

Let’s begin!

How to Repair DC Collectibles Deluxe Arkham City Killer Croc's Broken Shoulder
How to Repair DC Collectibles Deluxe Arkham City Killer Croc's Broken Shoulder
How to Repair DC Collectibles Deluxe Arkham City Killer Croc's Broken Shoulder
How to Repair DC Collectibles Deluxe Arkham City Killer Croc's Broken Shoulder
How to Repair DC Collectibles Deluxe Arkham City Killer Croc's Broken Shoulder


That’s the end of this guide. Thanks for looking, and I hope this help everyone out there with a broken Killer Croc!

New Batman Play Arts Kai Images From Tokyo Game Show 2012

Play Arts Kai Batman Dark Knight Rises Arkham Asylum City Action Figures 2012 Tokyo Game ShowThanks to the website, we now can see the images of the new Batman Play Arts Kai Figures that had been displayed at this year’s Tokyo Game Show. Some of them, such as the Play Arts Dark Knight Rises Catwoman, were teased back at SDCC. Others, we saw some early unpainted prototypes of.

After the jump you can see a plethora of images of the Dark Knight Rises Play Arts Kai Batman, Catwoman, and Bane figures. There are also images of the new Arkham City Robin and Harley Quinn figures, a Dark Knight Returns Batman (yes from the comic), and a Dark Knight (Heath Ledger) Joker. Many of them are still unpainted prototypes, but you can see fully painted prototypes as well.

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Review – Mr. Freeze – Arkham City, DC Collectibles (DC Direct)

DC Collectibles (DC Direct) Mr. Freeze Batman Arkham City 7" Deluxe Action Figure

Mr. Freeze is the second figure to be released by DC Collectibles (formerly DC Direct) in its Arkham City Deluxe figure line. He was actually released just this week, the same time as Killer Croc. A lot of fans have wondered, and rightly so, why a character like Mr. Freeze warrants a deluxe price, when he’s practically a normal sized character.

Last year, at New York Comic-Con, someone at the DC Direct booth actually explained it. It turns out that Mr. Freeze was too expensive to put under the basic figure SKU (stock keeping unit – a number or code used to identify each unique product or item for sale in a store or other business). Like everything else, toy lines have budgets. They have a certain amount of money allotted to them, and only have enough budget for a certain amount of SKU’s.

At the time they were working on the Arkham City line, they had the budget for two SKU’s. The basic figure SKU and the Deluxe figure SKU. Due to Mr. Freeze’s larger than normal size (his design dictates this, due to his freeze suit adding height to him), mixed with other elements such as his accessories, he just came in too expensive to be put under the basic figure SKU. So they were left with two options. Either cancel him outright, or place him in the deluxe line. Since they couldn’t just create a new SKU specifically for Freeze, or raise the price of him as a basic figure (they all have to be the same price under one SKU), those were their only options. And they did not want to cancel Mr. Freeze, since to many fans he was the best boss fight in the entire Arkham City game, and many fans have been waiting for a really good Mr. Freeze action figure. So they put him in the deluxe line and now here we are.

Many fans have been criticizing this decision though, thinking that DC Direct is just abusing the deluxe price, but if you look at every figure they’re going to be releasing in the deluxe line, Mr. Freeze is the only one arguably not a deluxe. If they wanted to abuse it, they could have just made every single figure in the line a deluxe. But toy companies are not out to alienate its market. That’s just bad business. I hope the above helps explain to some the decision to make Mr. Freeze a deluxe figure.

Enough of that though, you guys came for a review and pictures right? Well let’s get to that, shall we?

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Review – Killer Croc – Arkham City, DC Collectibles (DC Direct)

DC Direct Colllectibles Batman Arkham Asylum City Deluxe Action Figure Killer Croc 9.5"

There’s no denying that DC Direct has been on a role lately with their Arkham city toy line. They really upped the ante back in 2010 with their Arkham Asylum toy line, making two waves worth of characters that were really the first DC Direct figures I was ever truly interested in. But the fact that the game was amazing I’m sure helped sway me into buying them.

Now, in their second wave of Arkham City figures, we’ve seen more detailed sculpts, new articulation (for DC Direct anyway), and a name change for the company (switching from DC Direct to DC Collectibles). And now we have the inclusion of the Deluxe line of Arkham City figures, specifically meant for the larger characters. The first character in this new sub-line of figures is Killer Croc. Fans have been wanting a figure of him ever since Arkham Asylum, since that’s the game he was predominantly featured in. But now that we have him, we’re going to take a closer look.

So is DC Collectibles’ first foray into the Deluxe Arkham Figure a hit or a miss? Read on to find out.

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