Hey there. As many of you may know, my custom Kenner inspired Aliens figures of Sgt. Apone and the Bull Alien Xenomorph are for auction on eBay. Well, today is the last day for bidding if you’re interested in doing so. Both auctions end in about 8.5 hours, roughly around 9:30 PM CST. If you are interested in bidding on either the custom Sgt. Apone
or the custom Bull Alien
figures, just click the pictures below to take you to the corresponding auctions. If you know someone who might be interested, please pass the link along. Thanks!
Hey everyone. I have some new customs for you, just in time for the Halloween season. So, do you remember the old Kenner Aliens toy line from the early 90’s? I know I do. It’s one of my favorite toy lines, although I’m biased since Aliens is one of my favorite movies so of course a toy line based on it will catch my interest. At any rate, I was recently hit with inspiration to recreate the old Kenner Aliens figures, but in a more modern, realistic style that blends in with the new NECA figures. To kick things off, I started with two of my favorite figures from that line, Sgt. Apone
and the Bull Alien
. I’m thinking of releasing them two at a time, each time being one Colonial Marine and one Xenomorph to go with it. This is the start of what’s going to be a new line of custom figures from me, recreating pretty much the entire Kenner Aliens line. Be sure to click the links below below to view the corresponding page for the entire photo set and a detailed description of the process I went through to make each custom.
Custom Sgt. Apone Figure
Custom Bull Alien Figure
Also, both of these customs are currently for auction on eBay. If you’re interested in owning either of them, feel free to bid. If you know someone who might be, then please pass the links along. Click each photo below to see the eBay listing to place your bids.
Thanks for looking!
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*** Head on over to my Ebay Auctions to see what’s available this week, or commission me if you’d like your very own custom action figure like this one. ***
Remember the awesome Kenner Aliens toy line from the early 90’s? It’s always been one of my favorites. Recently I was hit with inspiration to recreate several of the old Kenner figures, but in a modern, more realistic, NECA style. The Bull Alien was always one of my top favorites from that line, so I knew I had to start with him. It’s mostly a NECA Xenomorph, but heavily modified. I had to completely rework the back legs, cutting a lot off, dremeling, and reshaping in order to get them in the same pose and look as the hind legs of the original Bull Alien figure. The front and back feet, horns, and a couple of other pieces actually come from the original Bull Alien figure, I just made them fit and blend in with the NECA figure. The scorpion barb on the end of his tail comes from a Spider-Man Classics Mac Gargan Venom figure.
I sculpted the forehead using Aves Apoxie Sculpt to make it bigger and look more like the original Bull Alien. I also recreated the original Bull Alien figure’s “skull ramming” action feature by making an extra neck piece you can attach the figure to give it the same extended look. Then I completely repainted the figure, using the original Kenner Bull Alien as my guide. Then I dry brushed some gloss clear coat over the entire thing to give it that gross, wet look the xenomorphs always have. And now the Bull Alien is ready to ram down some Colonial Marines! I plan to do an entire line of Kenner Aliens updates, both the Colonial Marines and the Xenomorphs, so be sure to check back here at Mint Condition Customs for more updates!