This past weekend at the 2013 Ani-Com & Game Hong Kong convention, Hot Toys unveiled some awesome figures. Among them are a 1/6 scale Man of Steel General Zod figure, and a 1/12 scale Dark Knight Rises The Bat vehicle. The Bat was going to be made on a 1/6 scale, but just proved to be far too large and expensive to be feasible, so it was shrunken down. It will include a 1/12 scale (6″) Dark Knight Rises Batman figure to accompany it, and it will include the bomb that Batman carries off with The Bat at the end of the film.
Continue after the jump for the pics!
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Hot Toys has posted some photos of them unpacking their 1/6 scale The Bat prototype at their warehouse. This thing is so big it has to be shipped in a crate!
Please keep in mind that this is just the prototype they take with them to display at toy shows. The actual production piece will be on a 1/12 scale, and not a 1/6 scale. This is obviously due to the astronomical cost it would take to not only produce it, but to ship it. Websites such as IGN and One Sixth Republic reported months ago that The Bat would indeed be in a 1/12 scale. While this comes at a blow to the 1/6 lovers out there, this is no doubt great news to those who collected Mattel’s Dark Knight Rises 6″ figures. Theoretically, this should be in the perfect scale for them.
Continue after the jump for the photos.
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Hey everybody! So for today’s review, I have a bit of a twist. Instead of my usual text reviews, I have my very first ever video review! That’s right, it’s a video review. But don’t worry, I won’t be switching to video reviews permanently, but every now and then when I get something special, I might do a video. Today’s subject is indeed special, as I take a look at the Hot Toys Dark Knight Rises Batman DX12 action figure.
Luckily I’ve got plenty of experience working with editing software, and Adobe Premiere is very intuitive. That being said, if you find any of the following review bad, in any way, I promise to get better ha ha. Enjoy.
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Hot Toys revealed the final product images of the upcoming Dark Knight Rises: 1/6th scale Bane Collectible Figure. You can check out 20 of the photos after the jump, and you can view the rest here. This figure looks truly impressive and seems like a must-have for any Batman fans.
The figure is set to be released March of 2013. You can pre order it from BigBadToyStore here.
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The website has posted new pictures of the upcoming Medicom MAFEX Dark Knight Rises Batman figure. The figure is going to feature a ton of articulation, utilizing ball joints and double jointed limbs. He will feature a cloth cape (no word on if it will be wire bendy poseable), and come with many accessories, which include:
- Swappable hands
- Grapple gun
- EMP blaster
- Cloth cloak/cape
It’s also being reported that the figure will stand at about 160mm (or 6.2 inches) tall. This is perfect for anyone who wants to display him with their DC Universe Classics, or Movie Masters figures. Make sure to check out all the images after the jump!
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Thanks to the website, we now can see the images of the new Batman Play Arts Kai Figures that had been displayed at this year’s Tokyo Game Show. Some of them, such as the Play Arts Dark Knight Rises Catwoman, were teased back at SDCC. Others, we saw some early unpainted prototypes of.
After the jump you can see a plethora of images of the Dark Knight Rises Play Arts Kai Batman, Catwoman, and Bane figures. There are also images of the new Arkham City Robin and Harley Quinn figures, a Dark Knight Returns Batman (yes from the comic), and a Dark Knight (Heath Ledger) Joker. Many of them are still unpainted prototypes, but you can see fully painted prototypes as well.
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For this week’s new custom, it’s not so much an action figure, as an action figure display piece. With the recent Dark Knight Rises Movie Masters Collect and Connect Bat Signal being released, I decided to give it a classic comic style bat emblem in place of the Nolan style movie emblem. I know many fans were wondering why Mattel hadn’t released a comic style Bat Signal before, so I wanted to change that.
Click here to view the whole photo set, and to read up on how I created the emblem.
And if you’re interested, it’s currently for sale on eBay from now until next Sunday night.

Thanks for looking.
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*** Head on over to my Ebay Auctions to see what’s available this week, or commission me if you’d like your very own custom action figure like this one. ***
For many fans, it was bittersweet when Mattel announced a collect and connect Bat Signal being released. It was amazing that a real working projecting Bat Signal on a 6″ scale was coming out, but it was for the movie line, meaning it had the movie emblem on the front. It was a turn off for many people, so I wanted to bring to life the classic styled Bat Signal. I used precision cutting from a stencil I made in Photoshop of the classic comic emblem, and cut the emblem out of polystyrene. I gave it a weathered metal look. I wanted it to look as if it had been painted black, but over the years the paint was scratching away. I used acetone to remove the painted movie emblem from the lens of the Bat Signal, and carefully glued the new one in place, making sure everything was lined up just right. The signal still lights up just fine, and projects the new emblem amazingly on the wall. Perhaps Mattel will release a comic style Bat Signal one day, but now at least you no longer have to imagine what it might look like.

I’m really terrible at Bat-related puns, aren’t I? Don’t tell me, my ego is fragile. Anyway, it does elude to my newest custom action figure. The newest addition to the showcase is a movie concept for John Blake from the Dark Knight Rises as Nightwing. Don’t worry, it’s not a spoiler, but after seeing the movie I just couldn’t get the concept out of my head, so I had to make it.
You can view the entire gallery and description by clicking on the photo below. I even wrote up my own little story for incorporating John Blake as Nightwing into the Nolan Batman movie universe. And if you’re interested then you can bid on this custom right now on eBay. Don’t forget to tell your friends who you think might be interested.

Thanks for looking.
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*** Head on over to my Ebay Auctions to see what’s available this week, or commission me if you’d like your very own custom action figure like this one. ***
During the events of the Dark Knight Rises, Detective John Blake helped Batman during Bane’s attack on Gotham. After the attack, John Blake was approached by Batman to help him keep Gotham city safe. John Blake modified a spare Batman suit for his liking, but wanted to wear as little of a mask as possible. Lucius Fox developed a pair of sonar goggles specially for Blake, modified from a pair of spy goggles worn by Selina Kyle. After some training and preparationg, Blake took some of his old police night sticks, strapped them to his side, and fought to protect Gotham City from criminals as the vigilante hero, Nightwing!
Pretty cool story huh? It’s the story that I wrote in my head for what could happen after the events of The Dark Knight Rises. I just couldn’t get out of my head the image of a movie concept Nightwing, so I had to make it. He’s made using the body of a Movie Masters Dark Knight Rises Batman, the head from a MM John Blake, the goggles from a MM Catwoman, and the belt, holster, and night sticks from a Marvel Legends movie Daredevil.
I removed the belt and cape and filled in the gaps left from them. Then, I had to resculpt the chest area to make the Nightwing symbol, and sculpted onto the shoulders as well. I also sculpted onto the bicep areas, and removed the scallops on his forearms and sculpted over that to smooth it out. Then I just had to paint the mask on, rework the Catwoman goggles to fit on John Blake’s head AND be removable, and attach the Daredevil belt and then paint everything up accordingly. And now John Blake is ready to roam the streets of Gotham City as Nightwing, protecting all the citizens!