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Recently, I felt like updating my Darth Knight figure design. The recipe is the same as before. I used the body from a Movie Masters Dark Knight Batman, and the head, chest plate, belt pieces, and light saber from a Transformers Crossovers Darth Vader figure. The ears were sculpted on, and then painted over. The silver detailing is much crisper this time, and the skirting is also cleaner. This time, I wanted to give him a couple of new accessories, so I took one of the wings from the Darth Vader Transformers figure (he turned into a Tie Fighter) and turned it into a shield he can hold in either hand. I also took some clear styrene and cut it in the shape of a Batarang, and painted it with clear red and flat black over that. My thinking was the black parts would be the framework, and the clear red would be light saber energy flowing throughout, so that it could cut through anything. With that, Darth Knight 2.0 was finished.