I’ve always thought that the DC Universe Classics toy line had one of the most large and diverse character selections of any action figure line ever, excluding Minimates. Sure, there were a few variants of the big two sprinkled here and there, but it was mostly full of unique, sometimes wildly obscure characters (Omac? Jemm? Kamandi???). While that was fantastic for collectors, it seemed to ultimately be what drove sales down and sent the toy line into the online exclusive DC Universe Signature Collection through Club Infinite Earths on Mattycollector. When that toy line began, it was with the understanding that it would be the best avenue to get the most wanted, obscure characters out to collectors to help us flesh out our own DC universe. Still, I can’t help feeling that there are some areas of the DC Universe that Mattel will never get the chance to, or just doesn’t want to, touch.
So what I’ve done here is I’ve assembled what I consider to be the 10 most obscure DC comics characters that will most likely never get an action figure in Club Infinite Earths. My criteria for deciding these came down to researching forums to see which characters got suggested the least (or not at all), and which of them I would actually want to see made into action figures. I’ll even suggest possible accessories where applicable. And just so you know before reading, yes these are all 100% characters that I would buy figures of in a heartbeat. You might not agree that every character on this list deserves a figure, and that’s totally cool. But hopefully you at least get a kick out of the list assembled here, and maybe even learn something about some of the most obscure DC characters out there. So let’s start!
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