Hey guys, heads up. Anyone who needs a DCUC Wonder Twins set, and only wants to pay $45 for it better click here. BigBadToyStore has a “Mattel Collector Warehouse Find” pre-order for them, set to arrive this month. I just found this and I couldn’t whip my credit card out fast enough. I’ve been wanting these for a long while now, so pre-order while you can, because “warehouse find” does not scream “large quantity” to me.
Back in 2009, this was released as a San Diego Comic-Con exclusive. Right now on eBay this set goes for well over $100, which makes this $45 pre-order all the more exciting. Please note that this is not the version of the set that includes their monkey Gleek, whom you could only get as a special extra item for buying the set in person at Comic-Con.
I hope this helps out all of those out there who need this set, but just can’t afford the astronomical prices it reaches on eBay.
In case you missed it, Mattel has announced that they have exceeded the minimum number of pre-orders to go forward with the production of their new Masters of the Universe Classics Castle Grayskull playset! This is definitely a huge announcement and is sure to be a historic toy. Just so you know, the MOTUC Castle Grayskull is still up for pre-order right now if you’re wanting one.
Continue after the jump for the full announcement.
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In case you still haven’t had a chance to yet, you only have three days left to pre-order the Masters of the Universe Classics Castle Grayskull playset! This is sure to be the greatest MOTUC item ever produced, and if you’re a Masters of the Universe fan, then you should definitely consider getting this. It costs absolutely no money to pre-order it. You’re charged nothing until next December when it ships, and it will become the coolest centerpiece in your entire MOTUC collection. The deadline for the pre-order minimum is November 12th, so don’t wait! If the minimum isn’t met by then, the castle will not get made at all. And if that wasn’t enough, Mattel is including a free incentive for those who pre-order:
As if the fact it’s Castle Grayskull® isn’t enough, we’re sweetening the offer with a deal even Skeletor® couldn’t resist… if we meet the 11/12/12 minimum production goal date and production moves forward, every pre-order placed between 10/16/12 and 1/3/13 will include a first-ever exclusive Masters of the Universe® Classics cross-sell poster!
Featuring all MOTUC figures released at the time of production and printed in beautiful full-color, this illustrative poster will be consistent in size to the Preternia™ and Sub-ternia™ maps created for Club Eternia® (approximately 30”w x 20”h). You’ll want two of them – one to frame and the other to track your collection! Although some sets will be available at MattyCollector.com after pre-orders are filled, the price will be higher and they will not include this authentic collector must-have poster. The only way to get both Castle Grayskull® and the poster guaranteed is to order during the pre-order period, so don’t wait. (And if you’ve already pre-ordered, yes, you’ll get the poster, too.)
Continue after the jump for more about the playset, and a special message from Scott “Toyguru” Neitlich in regards to Castle Grayskull.
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It’s that time again for Ask Mattel. If you’d like to ask Mattel a question about any of its brands, leave them as comments to this post. I’ll pick five out of the bunch to be answered on December 1st, 2012. All questions need to be submitted by 11:59 PM CST on November 14th, 2012.
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*** Head on over to my Ebay Auctions to see what’s available this week, or commission me if you’d like your very own custom action figure like this one. ***
As cool as the Containment Unit was that Mattel made, it was definitely lacking in the details department. That’s where I came in. The entire thing has been repainted with realistic weathering effects, to bring some character to the piece. The bricks in the wall look dirty and stained, the Containment Unit itself has scratches on the edges, showing the metal underneath and looks a little dirty as well. I wanted it to look like something that gets used a lot, as opposed to looking completely pristine. You can see the difference in the before and after pics below.
I’ve also given the Containment Unit lights and sounds. I installed a circuit inside the body with two switches on the back, and one button. One switch controls the red light, one controls the green light. The button activates the sound. I got the isolated “shutdown” noise the Containment Unit makes when Walter Peck turns off the grid. I thought it would be something cool to add. The lights are powered by a CR 2032 battery that you can access on the bottom, for incredibly easy changing. The speaker is powered by a 9V battery. I had to house it sitting on the back of the wall, so I fashioned a battery compartment and made it look like a big electrical box that you might see in the back of a store or factory that has all the wires and generators to power the building. The compartment is easily removable so you can change out the 9V as needed.
I topped off the display piece by giving it all the decals it had in the movie. I did an extensive search online to find all the reference I could, and utilized some references from GBFans.com and created hi-res versions of the decals and printed them off and applied them. I can’t claim that all the decals are 100% accurate, as some of them just can’t be seen well in any of the shots in the movie, but they are recreated to the best of the collective Ghostbusters fan knowledge.
Ghostbusters is one of my all time favorite properties, so this is definitely a labor of love. I spent a lot of time getting this right, and as my girlfriend can attest to, I used up a lot of curse words as well. But it’s finally finished, and ready to incarcerate some specters. Remember, when the light is green, the trap is clean!

Well, this Q&A was supposed to be for November 1st, but it seems I’ve gotten the answers in early, so I figured I’d put them up immediately. I don’t know if this means the questions you’re submitting for the November 15th round will be up sooner or not, but I’m assuming that one will stay on schedule. We’ll all see. The schedule usually gets messed up a bit after a convention. Anyway, onto the Q&A!
Tom asks: Was the Death figure/statute sold at 2012 SDCC successful enough for there to be more figures continuing in this direction?
It did very well but right now we can’t confirm any more plans. Still in the works.
Adnan richardson asks: Will Mattel ever make a new figure with the other halves of the wwe and world tag team belts?
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And now we get to what everybody has been waiting for in this line: the completed Voltron! This is the moment I’ve been waiting for since he was revealed at San Diego Comic-Con 2011. Mattel gave us our first hit back in February when the first lion, the Red Lion, was released. Fans have been waiting with bated breath to finally piece Voltron together to see in person just how big he is, and how well he holds up. This is one of the largest Voltron toys ever made, only being slightly beaten by a 24″ Voltron put out by Trendmasters in the late 90’s.
This review will focus on Voltron as a complete action figure on its own, and not talk about the individual lions. I’ve talked about them already. Continue after the jump as I take a closer look at Mattel’s Voltron.
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It’s that time again for Ask Mattel. If you’d like to ask Mattel a question about any of its brands, leave them as comments to this post. I’ll pick five out of the bunch to be answered on November 15th, 2012. All questions need to be submitted by 11:59 PM CST on October 31st, 2012.
If you haven’t already heard, Mattel is trying to get a Masters of the Universe scale Caslte Grayskull made! This is a huge undertaking, and seriously surprising that Mattel could even attempt it. In order to even try to get it made, Mattel needs a minimum amount of preorders. And they don’t have the budget to mock up a prototype beforehand. The only thing fans have to go on are a series of blueprints showing off the scale, dimensions, and play features the castle will have. The only other caveat really, is the price. It’s going to cost $250 + shipping and tax. That is definitely not a small amount of money. This is going to be a very small production run though, just like everything else MOTUC related. And the castle really is going to be huge, so it seems that the cost could be justifiable. At least to me, the price becomes even more justifiable when you consider that Hasbro is re-releasing the deluxe Millennium Falcon from a few years back, this time in vintage style packaging, and it’s going to be sold for $250. And it’s a mass retail release.
At first you may be wary to preorder something that isn’t even made yet, but the best part of this preorder is that you put no money down. The preorder charges your card for exactly $0.00 and when (not if) the Castle goes through, absolutely no money will leave your account until the estimated release date of December 2013. You could put away $25 a month and by this time next year you’ll have more than enough to buy it. If this sounds like something you even want a little bit, I’d recommend going over to Mattycollector.com and preordering it.
Still not convinced? Continue after the jump for the full sized blueprints, a video of a foam mockup showing the scale of the castle, a message from the Four Horsemen, and a ton more detail regarding the castle, to get all the information you need to make an informed decision.
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So this is it. After waiting nine months since the first Lion/Pilot set was released by Mattel in February, we’ve come to the end of the road for Voltron. We now have the final piece of the puzzle, the Black Lion with pilot Keith. Mattel no doubt waited to release the Black Lion last so fans wouldn’t be able to connect any of the lions together until the very end. Well played Mattel. Well played.
Just so you know, I’ll be reviewing the Black Lion as its own figure. I will not be reviewing the completed Voltron here. That will be its own separate review. For now, I’m just taking a look at the Black Lion and the Keith figure. So without further ado, let’s take a look at Mattel’s Voltron Black Lion with pilot Keith set.
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