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It’s that time again for Ask Mattel. If you’d like to ask Mattel a question about any of its brands, leave them as comments to this post. I’ll pick five out of the bunch to be answered on November 15th, 2013. All questions need to be submitted by 11:59 PM CST on October 31st, 2013.
Hey everyone! To continue in the Halloween spirit, for my latest custom I bring you Eye-Lash! The cycloptic femme fatale, the evil mistress of torture for the Evil Horde! This idea was brought to me by Masters of the Universe fan Joe Martin. He had entered this into the 2012 Masters of the Universe Classics Create-A-Character contest. Sadly it didn’t win, so he sought me out to realize his idea in custom figure form. And let me say, I’m glad he did, because this was a fun one. The Evil Horde is easily my favorite faction of MOTU lore, due to the fact that most of the members are based on classic movie and literary monsters. Eye-Lash here is no different. She’s a cyclops for crying out loud! She’s covered in creepy eyes all over her outfit, she’s got a crazy looking “cat eye nine tails” whip, and she’s plenty evil to boot. She definitely fits in with the Evil Horde. Be sure to click the photo below to check out the full photo set and description for my custom Eye-Lash. You can also read a full character bio written up by her creator, Mr. Joe Martin himself.

Thanks for looking!
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*** Head on over to my Ebay Auctions to see what’s available this week, or commission me if you’d like your very own custom action figure like this one. ***
Mistress of Torture for the Evil Horde!
REAL NAME: Iruss of Retinali
Down in the lower parts of the Fright Zone is a prison for captured rebels. There, the prisoners are tortured for information or sometimes just for cruel enjoyment. Keeper of this place of pain is the one eyed femme fatale known as Eye-Lash. A former dungeon keeper on her homeworld of Retinali, she joined Hordak with the promise of being able to interrogate prisoners as she saw fit. Her weapon of choice is her “Cat Eye Nine Tails”, a multi-strapped whip with ball bearings on each end that look like eyeballs. While she is often busy in her dungeon, Eye-Lash is also a skilled hand-to-hand combatant trained in a martial art native to her home planet and is often sent out with her fellow Horde members on missions. If her main eye is somehow blinded, the eyes on her hands take over to allow her to see. She is so well known for her cruel ways that when other Horde members want to scare each other, they tell stories of her many torture sessions. Ever ready to do what Hordak asks, Eye-Lash uses her whip to torture prisoners in the name of the Evil Horde!
The design and concept for Eye-Lash was created completely by Joe Martin. He had entered it into the 2012 Masters of the Universe Classics Create-A-Character Contest. Sadly it did not win, so he came to me to realize his creation in action figure form. I used a Masters of the Universe Classics Catra as the base. I had to resculpt the head, giving her the giant single eyeball and sculpting her hair and fusing it with hair from a movie Invisible Woman figure. For the actual eyelashes, I actually used a pair of fake eyelashes carefully glued into place and trimmed to fit. The hands are Catra’s hands combined with the fingers from a NECA Aliens Xenomorph. Each finger also has a bendable wire so they’re fully poseable! The eyeballs all over her body are made from small beads. Her choker, and the emblems on her gauntlets and boots are made from styrene. The whip is made from the handle of an axe in my fodder bin, and all 9 of the whips are thick fabric thread knotted at the end with beads attached to each painted to look like eyeballs. Everything was painted using Mr. Martin’s design as my guide, and that’s it! Eye-Lash is ready to fight for the Evil Horde, and a very fond Masters of the Universe fan is made happy.
The Mattel Batman Unlimited Arkham Origins Batman and Deathstroke figures are now available on Amazon. They just popped up yesterday. They’re both at retail price, just $15.99 apiece and if you get both then your shipping is free! You can also sign up for a free 30 day trial of Amazon Prime
and get them shipped guaranteed in two days! That’s what I did so I could get these figures quicker. Just click the links below to go to the corresponding pages for the figures. And don’t forget that Batman Arkham Origins
comes out October 25th, so get ready. I hope this helps anyone wanting these figures to get them easier. I’ve already got a set of the Batman Unlimited Arkham Origins figures on the way, I can’t wait to get them!
As the 2013 New York Comic-Con approaches this weekend, the people over at Mattel are setting up as we speak. However, before the show starts Scott Neitlich (AKA Toyguru) put up a new video for us, showing off the final version of the MOTUC Castle Grayskull playset. This is the final model that will be going into production. Masters of the Universe Classics fans should be pleased with this one. It’s going to come with a ton of cool items that harken back to the vintage Castle Grayskull playset. Scott even goes so far as to give several measurements of the MOTUC Castle Grayskull to give an idea of scale. It looks plenty big for the Masters of the Universe Classics figures. Of course it’s not in scale with them, but to truly be in scale with them the playset would likely need to be as big as a small house. As is, I look forward to getting the MOTUC Castle Grayskull playset.
Check out the video after the jump!
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It’s that time again for Ask Mattel. If you’d like to ask Mattel a question about any of its Mattycollector exclusives brands (Masters of the Universe Classics, Ghostbusters Props, online exclusive DC items), then leave them as comments to this post. I’ll pick five out of the bunch to be answered on November 1st, 2013. All questions need to be submitted by 11:59 PM CST on October 15th, 2013.
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It’s that time again for Ask Mattel. If you’d like to ask Mattel a question about any of its brands, leave them as comments to this post. I’ll pick five out of the bunch to be answered on October 15th, 2013. All questions need to be submitted by 11:59 PM CST on September 30th, 2013.
Three new Masters of the Universe Classics figures were revealed over this past weekend at the 2013 Power-Con. Blade, from the live action 1987 Masters of the Universe movie, Scorpia, from the Princess of Power cartoon series, and the oversized figure of Battle Lion, King Grayskull’s mount from the 2002 MYP cartoon series. Also shown off was the official box art for the upcoming Masters of the Universe Classics Castle Grayskull playset.
Continue after the jump for all the pictures!
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Jay asks: Does Mattel have the rights to utilize the MOTU looks in the new DC Masters of the Universe comic book? Would it be possible to get figures of these designs somewhere down the line, possibly as an SDCC exclusive set or something?
We do, but right now we are focused on using every slot to complete the vintage roadmap by the end of 2015.
superpowersfan asks: You stated the 66 batman line is done for now after catwoman. Does this mean the line is over forever or are you looking at doing more figures down the road?
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Some of these questions are now outdated since some pertain to the 2014 Club Infinite Earths which is now cancelled, but I still feel it’s important to show the questions you guys submitted and the answers Mattel gave.
BBT asks: Mattel is always talking about the “loud but few”. My question is: Why did Mattel decide to go with 4 inch figures for the Movie Masters now instead of six inch like all the others are? Seems there are only a “loud but few” that want 4 inch figures, most want 6 inch to go along with the other MM figures they have instead of starting a whole new scale.
The SDCC announcement was for a 4” line of figures that have a high level of detail, deco, and articulation – just like Movie Masters figures. It takes everything that collectors love about the Movie Masters figures and brings it to the 4” scale.
Ron asks: Does Mattel’s license with DC include the ability to make TV versions of Superman (George Reeves) and/or Wonder Woman (Lynda Carter) in similar manner as the TV Batman (Adam West) ’66 line?
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