darkknight asks: Will there still be Movie Masters figures made in the 6″ scale for future DC movies? The information revealed at SDCC has many fans worried that there will be no more 6″ Movie Masters figures at all, so it would be great if that could get cleared up. I hope there will continue to be 6″ Movie Masters.
At this time the future of the line is in the 4″ scale but it doesn’t mean we couldn’t return to 6″ in the future.
EctoCooler asks: On Mattycollector.com, it says fans have until November 5th to pre-order, but Toyguru recently posted an update about the Ecto-1 and the subscriptions and said August 19th was the deadline. Was this a typo, or has it been changed? Because that’s a mighty big typo if so. A lot of Ghostbusters fans are panicking because of it.
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