This will be the last Ask Mattel Q&A session until August, since 2013 San Diego Comic-Con is just around the corner and therefore there will be nobody at Mattel to answer questions for a while. And judging by some of the answers here, that may have already started. But here we go!
superpowersfan asks: If we get around to a super powers deco kalibak in the dcie will he be oversized like his classic comic counterpart or 6″ but stout , wide and bulky.
Either way might be possible. What would the fans prefer?
superpowersfan asks: With the exception of the super powers deco penguin in wave 1 of batman unlimited we havent gotten a single classic character or a list her or viklain in a classic variant in the retail line. Is the retail of dc and batman unlimited only going to feature new media incarnations from comics, video games and cartoons exclusively or can we expect an 80s or 90s character or characters
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