We’ve known for a while now that there would be a reissue of the NECA Terminator Classic Endoskeleton figure, in anticipation of their upcoming Terminator Genisys line. People have been finding them at Walmart, of all places, near the checkout lanes next to the “As Seen on TV” items. Of course not everybody can find them. I live in a busy city, and have checked multiple Walmarts and have come up empty every time. But now the NECA Terminator Classic Endoskeleton figure is up on the NECA eBay store
. They have it for retail price, so if you don’t feel like waiting and checking every single Walmart around you, then just click the picture below. I hope this helps.
Tag Archives: terminator
NECA SDCC Exclusive Terminator 2 Endoglow Endoskeleton Action Figure Revealed
The people at the Unofficial SDCC Blog have revealed one of the upcoming San Diego Comic-Con 2015 exclusives from NECA. We get our first look at the SDCC exclusive Terminator 2 Endoglow Endoskeleton. This is an homage to the wonderfully classic Kenner Terminator action figures, right down to the vintage styled card back the figure will come on.
The figure will feature glow in the dark pieces in the head, chest and legs, and will include a Plasma rifle accessory. The figure will be available at San Diego Comic-Con 2015, as well as other select conventions throughout the year. NECA will also most likely have this available for sale on their website, as they do for all of their SDCC exclusives every year. To see all of the photos from the reveal, read on! Continue reading