Hey everyone! I know I should have had this posted on Friday, but this past weekend was so crazy for me I just wasn’t anywhere near my computer! But here it is now, and hopefully is informative enough to make up for the delay. Onto the Q&A!
It seems that the only characters revealed for the 60′s Batman line (with the exception of swim trunks Batman) are the characters that appeared in the movie. Now, I know it’d be tough to sell kids a Book worm, Louie the Lilac or Chief O’Hara figure, but are there going to be more characters than the ones announced? I don’t need specifics, but I’d love to have more from this line.
For 2013 the line consists of the figures that were announced at NYTF. Now we announced, but did not yet reveal the Catwoman and The Joker figures – so be on the lookout for those images soon!
It was announced that the CIE 2013 line was to have no new sculpts. Not that I’m going to complain because we are getting her, but how is Huntress not a new sculpt figure? Or does this mean Mattel is approving more ‘buck figures’ with extra add-ons for the CIE line?
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