Hey guys. I have a new custom up in the archive. This time, I did Logan as he was portrayed by Hugh Jackman in the various X-Men movies, as a way to help celebrate the new movie, The Wolverine, coming out next year. He comes with a great likeness to Jackman, removable jacket, two sets of arms (jacketed, and bare), and two sets of hands (claws out, and normal fists), and is fully poseable. Be sure to check out the full photo set and description by clicking here.
And if you’re interested at all in this custom, he’s currently for sale on eBay.

Thanks for looking!
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*** Head on over to my Ebay Auctions to see what’s available this week, or commission me if you’d like your very own custom action figure like this one. ***
Seeing as how The wolverine movie is set to come out next year, I felt it would be cool to put out a custom movie style Logan figure, in his civilian clothes. I didn’t intend for him to be based on any one movie. This is more of a general custom based on the look he had through all of the X-Men movies, so he could blend in to any X-Men movie display. I used what I considered the best parts to assemble the best possible movie style Logan figure I could. The head is from an X2 Claw Strike Wolverine (which is the best likeness to Hugh Jackman I’ve ever seen on an action figure), the torso is from a Diamond Select Toys Deluxe 50’s Angel, the legs, jacket, and jacket arms come from an X2 Battle Attack Logan, the bare arms, and interchangeable hands come from an X2 Street Fight Logan figure, and the dog tags come from a Sota Street Fighter Guile.
First, I had to remove the Battle Attack Logan torso fromt he legs, then I had to do some dremeling to the 50’s Angel torso to make it fit over the waist swivel disc in the legs. Luckily, the DST Deluxe Buffy and Angel figures’ torsos are all soft resin, so with a little heat you can get this to work. And it makes removing the arms a breeze too. I just had to dremel out some space in the shoulder sockets, sand down the joint discs in each pair of the Logan arms, and now you can switch between both looks. I also modified the neck so his head could move up and down, in addition to turning left and right. I had to paint the exposed skin on the torso to match the bare Logan arms, and do the same to Logan’s face, since they were all three different shades of flesh tone, then I had to repaint Logan’s facial hair and stubble. I added some realistic shading to his tank top, glued the dog tags in place on the back of his neck, and that was that. Now he’s super poseable, and can be switched between two different distinct looks from the movies.
Hey guys! I got some new customs for you. They’re both based on the movie X-Men First Class designs for Charles Xavier and Magneto, of them in their flight suits at the end of the movie. I had to modify an X-Men 2 Cyclops body, complete with a resculpted textured torso, and used the straps from a Movie Masters Survival Suit Bruce Wayne figure for the straps on the suits. Resculpted heads of an unmasked Ronin for Magneto, and a movie Blackheart for Xavier complete the customs.
Click the following links to check out the full set of photos and descriptions for each custom:
Charles Xavier

Thanks for looking!
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*** Head on over to my Ebay Auctions to see what’s available this week, or commission me if you’d like your very own custom action figure like this one. ***
When I was asked to make some characters from the X-Men First Class movie, I jumped at the chance. Magneto was one, and the other was Charles Xavier in his flight suit at the end of the movie. He was made using the body from an X2 Cyclops figure, the head from a Ghost Rider movie Blackheart, the neck from an X2 Wolverine, and the straps from a movie masters survival suit Bruce Wayne.
I had to use a new neck, because the X2 Cyclops head and neck were one piece, to accomodate the light-up feature in his visor so I shortened the neck (it was far too long) and fit it in the torso. I completely sanded down all the detail on the front of torso. Anything that had an “X” or had to with X-Men I got rid of, including the detail on his collar too. Then I added a thin layer of Aves Apoxie Sculpt and used the handle of my X-Acto knife and rolled it across to get the texture into it. I used thin styrene rods for the zipper lining, and the hose ports and belt buckle were sculpted on with Apoxie. I had to take apart and cut up the straps from the Survival Suit Bruce Wayne figure and reattach them strategically to the body of the figure to match the movie, and used Apoxie to fill in any gaps.Then I painted the entire body with Testors Model Masters acrylics, matching the color scheme of the movie costume, even adding zippers on the thighs and forerarms.
For the head, I sanded down some of his hair, including the big sideburns on his face, and got to sculpting. I thought the Blackheart face was very close to James McAvoy, with the eyes and the nose, and the lips, but everything else needed work. I made the forehead slightly bigger, and filled in his cheeks some and resculpted his jawline to better match McAvoy’s likeness. The nose was made just slightly more bulbous as well. Then I got to working on his hair. I looked at several screen captures from the film, trying best to capture his hair style. I felt I did a pretty good job of translating it here. After sculpting was done, I just repainted it completely (yes, including the eye detail, which is never fun), and fit it onto the body. After that, Xavier was complete and ready to fight for Mutant equality!

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*** Head on over to my Ebay Auctions to see what’s available this week, or commission me if you’d like your very own custom action figure like this one. ***
X-Men First Class was a great film, that definitely deserved its own line of figures. Sadly, we didn’t get any official product from the movie. So when I was asked to make some characters from the movie, I jumped at the chance. Charles Xavier was one, and Magneto was the other. Magneto here is made using the body from an X2 Cyclops figure, the head from a Hasbro ML unmasked Ronin (Clint Barton), the neck from a movie Punisher, the straps come from a movie masters survival suit Bruce Wayne, and the helmet comes from an X-Men Classics Magneto.
I had to use a new neck, because the X2 Cyclops head and neck were one piece, to accomodate the light-up feature in his visor. I completely sanded down all the detail on the front of torso. Anything that had an “X” or had to with X-Men I got rid of, including the detail on his collar too. Then I added a thin layer of Aves Apoxie Sculpt and used the handle of my X-Acto knife and rolled it across to get the texture into it. I used thin styrene rods for the zipper lining, and the hose ports and belt buckle were sculpted on with Apoxie. I had to take apart and cut up the straps from the Survival Suit Bruce Wayne figure and reattach them strategically to the body of the figure to match the movie, and used Apoxie to fill in any gaps.Then I painted the entire body with Testors Model Masters acrylics, matching the color scheme of the movie costume, even adding zippers on the thighs and forerarms.
For the head, I had to sand down the hair completely, including the bangs sculpted onto the forehead and resculpt it entirely. I gave him a brand new hair-do, and resculpted his forehead, making sure to add in the wrinkles. After a paint job, the head was complete. For the helmet, I just painted it dark grey, then added a glossy clear coat to it, and took some Citadel Mithril Silver and painted the detail and lining around the helmet. After attaching the head to the body, Magneto was complete and ready to fight for Mutant equality (or superiority, as the case may be).
Today, I continue my review of Hasbro’s first wave of 2012 Marvel Legends with a look at Thor and Hope Summers. Once again, I’m doing more than one figure in a review to help me get through wave 1 quicker. Like before, I won’t skip on any details. So, what do I think of the new Thor and Hope Summer figures?
Keep reading to find out!
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