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Finally someone for my Tom Jane Punisher to fight…The Russian. This figure is “Frankensteining” at its best.
To create this figure, I used the torso from a Tito Santana WWE figure (from the Strike Force 2-pack), the legs and forearms (because Stone Cold’s forearms were bigger…and I messed up Tito’s) and hands (because Tito’s hands had stupid wristbands on them) from a Deluxe Aggression Stone Cold Steven Austin and the head from a Toybiz TNA Kevin Nash figure.
I sanded off the Strike Force logo on Tito Santana’s shirt, as well as the goatee on Kevin Nash’s face. Then I painted Kevin’s hair a light yellow with a white wash to get a blonde look, and did the same to his eyebrows. I used a mix of a flesh tone, some red, and a little black to paint the scar on his eye. The black was used because I noticed it left kind of a burnt edge to the paint which would look great for a scar.
I used sharpie pens for the tattoos and the stripes on The Russian’s shirt, I let it dry then sealed it to keep it from smudging…and so far that’s worked out. We’ll see as time goes on I suppose. And as much time as it took, I managed to find some shots in my Punisher DVD that showed off the Russian’s tattoos. The anchor tattoo has the letters CCCP in red tattooed over the anchor in case anyone was wondering. The Russian is a commie…surprise surprise. The rebar he’s holding is from a Deluxe Destiny Angel figure from the Buffy/Angel line of figures from Diamond Select.
Oh, and some advice for anyone wanting to attempt this…when doing the stripes, do them in pencil first to get them down then go over them in marker…the pencil marks can be removed later, or they’ll just be covered up by the marker if you do them light enough.
A lot of blood, sweat, and tears (and a slew of cursing) went into this custom. I’m pleased with the result and stay tuned in, because I plan to make many more baddies for Punisher to beat.