New Batman Play Arts Kai Images From Tokyo Game Show 2012

Play Arts Kai Batman Dark Knight Rises Arkham Asylum City Action Figures 2012 Tokyo Game ShowThanks to the website, we now can see the images of the new Batman Play Arts Kai Figures that had been displayed at this year’s Tokyo Game Show. Some of them, such as the Play Arts Dark Knight Rises Catwoman, were teased back at SDCC. Others, we saw some early unpainted prototypes of.

After the jump you can see a plethora of images of the Dark Knight Rises Play Arts Kai Batman, Catwoman, and Bane figures. There are also images of the new Arkham City Robin and Harley Quinn figures, a Dark Knight Returns Batman (yes from the comic), and a Dark Knight (Heath Ledger) Joker. Many of them are still unpainted prototypes, but you can see fully painted prototypes as well.

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New Custom Action Figure – Classic Comic Style Bat Signal 6″ Scaled Light-Up Display

For this week’s new custom, it’s not so much an action figure, as an action figure display piece. With the recent Dark Knight Rises Movie Masters Collect and Connect Bat Signal being released, I decided to give it a classic comic style bat emblem in place of the Nolan style movie emblem. I know many fans were wondering why Mattel hadn’t released a comic style Bat Signal before, so I wanted to change that.

Click here to view the whole photo set, and to read up on how I created the emblem.

And if you’re interested, it’s currently for sale on eBay from now until next Sunday night.

Custom Batman Bat Signal (Classic Emblem) 6" Scaled Light-Up DC Universe Display

Thanks for looking.

Review – Mr. Freeze – Arkham City, DC Collectibles (DC Direct)

DC Collectibles (DC Direct) Mr. Freeze Batman Arkham City 7" Deluxe Action Figure

Mr. Freeze is the second figure to be released by DC Collectibles (formerly DC Direct) in its Arkham City Deluxe figure line. He was actually released just this week, the same time as Killer Croc. A lot of fans have wondered, and rightly so, why a character like Mr. Freeze warrants a deluxe price, when he’s practically a normal sized character.

Last year, at New York Comic-Con, someone at the DC Direct booth actually explained it. It turns out that Mr. Freeze was too expensive to put under the basic figure SKU (stock keeping unit – a number or code used to identify each unique product or item for sale in a store or other business). Like everything else, toy lines have budgets. They have a certain amount of money allotted to them, and only have enough budget for a certain amount of SKU’s.

At the time they were working on the Arkham City line, they had the budget for two SKU’s. The basic figure SKU and the Deluxe figure SKU. Due to Mr. Freeze’s larger than normal size (his design dictates this, due to his freeze suit adding height to him), mixed with other elements such as his accessories, he just came in too expensive to be put under the basic figure SKU. So they were left with two options. Either cancel him outright, or place him in the deluxe line. Since they couldn’t just create a new SKU specifically for Freeze, or raise the price of him as a basic figure (they all have to be the same price under one SKU), those were their only options. And they did not want to cancel Mr. Freeze, since to many fans he was the best boss fight in the entire Arkham City game, and many fans have been waiting for a really good Mr. Freeze action figure. So they put him in the deluxe line and now here we are.

Many fans have been criticizing this decision though, thinking that DC Direct is just abusing the deluxe price, but if you look at every figure they’re going to be releasing in the deluxe line, Mr. Freeze is the only one arguably not a deluxe. If they wanted to abuse it, they could have just made every single figure in the line a deluxe. But toy companies are not out to alienate its market. That’s just bad business. I hope the above helps explain to some the decision to make Mr. Freeze a deluxe figure.

Enough of that though, you guys came for a review and pictures right? Well let’s get to that, shall we?

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Review – Killer Croc – Arkham City, DC Collectibles (DC Direct)

DC Direct Colllectibles Batman Arkham Asylum City Deluxe Action Figure Killer Croc 9.5"

There’s no denying that DC Direct has been on a role lately with their Arkham city toy line. They really upped the ante back in 2010 with their Arkham Asylum toy line, making two waves worth of characters that were really the first DC Direct figures I was ever truly interested in. But the fact that the game was amazing I’m sure helped sway me into buying them.

Now, in their second wave of Arkham City figures, we’ve seen more detailed sculpts, new articulation (for DC Direct anyway), and a name change for the company (switching from DC Direct to DC Collectibles). And now we have the inclusion of the Deluxe line of Arkham City figures, specifically meant for the larger characters. The first character in this new sub-line of figures is Killer Croc. Fans have been wanting a figure of him ever since Arkham Asylum, since that’s the game he was predominantly featured in. But now that we have him, we’re going to take a closer look.

So is DC Collectibles’ first foray into the Deluxe Arkham Figure a hit or a miss? Read on to find out.

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Review – Batman / Catwoman 2 Pack (Arkham City) – Batman Legacy, Mattel

 Mattel Batman Legacy Arkham City Asylum 2 Pack Batman Catwoman 6" Action Figure

This Batman Week concludes today with a look at the Mattel Batman Legacy 2 pack of Arkham City Batman and Catwoman.

Catwoman seems to be one of those characters fans are always wanting. She’s been around since the very first issue of Batman’s own title in 1940, and has maintained popularity ever since.

She’s gone through many outfit changes over the years, some that seemed to be more practical than others, but they always maintained some sort of sex appeal. Not surprising, considering Catwoman is a character who loves to use her sex appeal to get what she wants and to distract her enemies as she pummels them.

Catwoman represents that side of femininity that often makes men uncomfortable. She’s strong, independent, and she knows what she wants and how to get it. She’s not afraid to use anyone or anything to get what she wants. She challenges every conception men may have about women and the “damsel in distress”. These days, this character type is not very original. We see the strong female characters all the time in T.V. and movies, and in comic books. However, back in the 40’s this was unheard of, and for a character like this to persist for more than 60 years in a male dominated industry I think is a testament to her character.

The choice to not only include Catwoman in Arkham City, but to make her a playable character was certainly a good call on the part of Rocksteady. Their design for Catwoman is more or less just a more realistic looking and textured version of her modern look in the comics.

How did Mattel do on this set? This mold for Batman has been used before, but Catowoman is entirely new. Is she alone worth buying the 2 pack for? Read on and find out!

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Review – Harley Quinn (Arkham City) – Batman Legacy, Mattel

Mattel Batman Legacy Arkham City Harley Quinn 6" Action Figure

We’re continuing Batman Arkham City week by taking a look at the Arkham City Harley Quinn figure by Mattel.

Harley is the Yin to the Joker’s Yang. Or possibly, they’re both Yang which is why they almost never get along (also they’re not very nice people).

Harley was created for the Batman Animated Series back in 1992 by Paul Dini. They wanted a female henchman to give to the Joker, and she was only ever meant to be in one episode, but she was so well received they made her a recurring character and eventually Joker’s girlfriend. She’s now considered an integral part of the Batman rogues gallery, and has firmly planted herself into the DC Comics mythos.

She’s usually depicted in a red and black patterned body suit, with a harlequin hat and white face makeup. In the Arkham City video game, they um…they changed that. Here, she still sports the white face paint, but instead of a harlequin hat she has two pigtails, the ends of which are died black and red, and she’s dressed like any random girl found at a goth club.

The Arkham City designs were meant to be grittier, and if possible more realistic. You wouldn’t see someone running around in a body suit all day, but with this outfit you just might. Regardless it was a bold move on Rocksteady’s part to design her like this.

I think the design is great myself, but did Mattel do a good job of translating that design to plastic? Read on to find out!

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Review – Nightwing (Arkham City) – Batman Legacy, Mattel

Mattel Batman Legacy Arkham City Asylum Nighwing 6" Action Figure

This week, I’m going to have a theme for the reviews here at Mint Condition Customs. I’m going to have 3 reviews this week, all pertaining to Mattel Arkham City figures. The first one is today (obviously), the next one is tomorrow, and the last one is on Friday. That’s right folks, it’s Batman week! And not just Batman, but Arkham City! Arguably the greatest Batman game ever made (and one of the best action games ever made), it’s no surprise that it spawned several action figures. DC Direct did a line of figures based on the first game Arkham Asylum in 2010, and Mattel is jumping on the bandwagon by producing several figures based on the more recent Arkham City game.

Today we’ll be looking at Arkham City Nightwing, from the Batman Legacy line. How does it hold up? Is he a worthwhile figure? Keep reading to find out!


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News – DC Direct Schedule and Price Update for February 2012

DC Direct has updated their website with new images and info. We get new pics of upcoming Batman: Arkham City figures, New 52 Justice League figures and some previously seen Dark Knight Rises busts and statues.

Action Figures

Statues and Busts

Check out some of the pics and lots more info after the jump!

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Ask Mattel – Answers for February 15, 2012

Mattel Mattycollector Logo

1.) Joe Martin asks: Will figures like the long requested Elasti Girl or any other bigger characters be part of this line?

We can’t confirm anyone specific, but there will be three oversized DCU figs as part of CIE in 2012.


2.) Ismail Kaddoum asks: Dear Matty,
DCUC will not be in retail anymore, that is understood.
We have seen the first 2 waves of DC All Stars.
Are there any thoughts of expanding the waves to 6-7 figures, and also to include a C & C?

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News – Toy Fair 2012 – New DC Direct Arkham City Figures Revealed

It seems DC Direct has added some figures to their display booth, including new Arkham City figures. Shown are the new Joker clown thug, which is the exact same sculpt as the one previously revealed, only with a different paint job. Also shown were the prototypes for Azrael and Ra’s Al Ghul, which were only previously revealed as concept art.

Pictures after the jump!

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