Hey everyone. I should have posted this yesterday, but I completely spaced. But here are the answers Mattel sent in for this session of Ask Mattel!
Black Arbor asks: Concerning the Power Attack Batman line: One of the deluxe Batman figures came with a cardboard cutout of Scarecrow. I’m just wondering, is that an indication that a Scarecrow figure is in the works? I really hope so, the design looks Awesome!
Scarecrow is a top Batman villain and will almost certainly be a part of the Batman Power Attack/ Evergreen line at some point… though his design has gone through some evolutions over the last year from the time that target figure artwork was created!
Mint Condition Customs asks: So on the Toys “R” Us website, there are 8 different Man of Steel movie masters figures listed. The 8th one is a mystery though, as there’s no description, name for the character, or picture. Is this is a mistake by Toys “R” Us, or is there an 8th figure on the way, and if so is this character deliberately being held back for reveal until the movie premieres?
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