Custom Night Fighter Robocop (w/ Gun Arm) Action Figure – Created February 11th, 2014

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I love that NECA saw fit to release an homage to the vintage Night Fighter Robocop from the Robocop and the Ultra Police toy line from Kenner. Still, I found it a tad disappointing that, most likely due to budgetary reasons, they couldn’t fully make him resemble the original figure. I’ve been wanting to do this for a while, and with the release of the new Robocop movie this week, I figured it was time. I went through and painted all the metallic blue highlights on the figure, as well as painting the face up, and painting the visor red. Using some fodder, I fashioned a futuristic looking minigun and attached it to his arm. I also made it detachable, so it can still be interchanged with his other two hands (Auto-9 pistol holding hand, and the data spike hand). And of course the figure still glows in the dark, fully rounding out the homage to the vintage Night Fighter Robocop. Because only in the 80’s did “Night Fighter” mean “glowing bright green”. So now Robocop is ready to bust up some creeps in the dead of night. I’d buy that for a dollar!

Custom Night Fighter Robocop (w/ Gun Arm) Action FigureCustom Night Fighter Robocop (w/ Gun Arm) Action FigureCustom Night Fighter Robocop (w/ Gun Arm) Action Figure