A collection of photos were posted today giving us all a closer look at the upcoming NECA Robocop with Jet Pack, from Robocop 3. The figure will have the removable jet pack, an interchangeable gun arm, and even the Cobra Assault Cannon from the first Robocop film.
Continue after the jump for the full gallery!
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Robocop Week concludes with my latest video review. Today I take a look at the NECA Robocop ED-209 deluxe action figure! Check out the video below to see what I think of the NECA ED-209!
That’s right, reviews are back! I can’t promise they’re back in full force, but I’m hoping to be able to return to them at least on a semi-regular basis. Today I bring you a review of the NECA 8-Bit Robocop Classic Video Game Appearance action figure. This is to continue celebration Robocop Week! Check out the video review below.
Hey everyone. Regardless of what you may think of the Robocop reboot coming out to theaters today, there’s no denying that it’s bringing a lot of deserved attention back to the original film. It’s one of my absolute all time favorite movies, and I wanted to celebrate Robocop Week here on Mint Condition Customs the best way I know how: by making a custom figure of course! So here I present Night Fighter Robocop! I’ve gone through and taken the NECA Night Fighter Robocop, and modified it to look much more like the vintage Night Fighter Robocop from the Robocop and the Ultra Police toy line by Kenner, complete with an interchangeable minigun arm! And just because this is Robocop Week doesn’t mean I won’t do more Robocop customs in the future. Be sure to check out the official page for this custom to see the full photo set and description for how it was made. This custom Night Fighter Robocop is also currently for sale on eBay. If you want, just click the picture below to take you to the auction. If you know someone who might be interested, feel free to pass the link along to them. Thanks for looking!

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*** Head on over to my Ebay Auctions to see what’s available this week, or commission me if you’d like your very own custom action figure like this one. ***
I love that NECA saw fit to release an homage to the vintage Night Fighter Robocop from the Robocop and the Ultra Police toy line from Kenner. Still, I found it a tad disappointing that, most likely due to budgetary reasons, they couldn’t fully make him resemble the original figure. I’ve been wanting to do this for a while, and with the release of the new Robocop movie this week, I figured it was time. I went through and painted all the metallic blue highlights on the figure, as well as painting the face up, and painting the visor red. Using some fodder, I fashioned a futuristic looking minigun and attached it to his arm. I also made it detachable, so it can still be interchanged with his other two hands (Auto-9 pistol holding hand, and the data spike hand). And of course the figure still glows in the dark, fully rounding out the homage to the vintage Night Fighter Robocop. Because only in the 80’s did “Night Fighter” mean “glowing bright green”. So now Robocop is ready to bust up some creeps in the dead of night. I’d buy that for a dollar!
To go along with the great Robocop figures they’re producing, Threezero has given us a look at their upcoming 1/6 scale 2014 Robocop ED-209 figure. This is a teaser of the painted prototype, as well as several work in progress images they’ve posted. I’ve got no idea if the new Robocop reboot will be good, but I do know a good looking action figure when I see it, and this is most definitely it. No telling on price just yet. They’ve said they’ll reveal that closer to release.
Continue after the jump for the pics!
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A few days ago, Hong Kong based toy company Threezero posted images of their upcoming 2014 Robocop 1/6 scale V1 and V3 figures. V1 is the first version of Robocop we’ll see in the movie, with his silver chrome look, and V3 is the all black version we’ve seen in most of the promotional material. Whatever your feelings on the Robocop reboot are, you have to admit these look like amazing figures.
Continue after the jump for all the pics!
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This one almost snuck past me! It seems the NECA Robocop Classic Video Game Appearance 7″ figure is now on sale at the NECA eBay store
! This one features a paint job meant to mimic the look of the video game sprite in the old NES Robocop video game. Not only that, but the box it comes in has artwork that looks just like the case the game came in! I already ordered mine. Robocop is one of my all time favorite movies, and I love these classic video game style figures NECA has been doing. If you want to order your own, you can click the image below.
NECA just can’t seem to help themselves when it comes to doing classic NES inspired variants of their most iconic characters. First they came out with their SDCC exclusive NES Jason Voorhees, then they just came out with their NES Freddy Krueger
, and now NECA has just revealed their all new classic video game 8 bit inspired NES Robocop action figure. Like Freddy and Jason, this new NES Robocop will come in box packaging made to resemble the case the old NES video game came in. NECA even went so far as to include their Reel Toys and NECA logos on the box in the places where, on the original game packaging, it was the Data East and Nintendo logos. The fact that NECA goes that far, to make their logos resemble the old ones is just icing to someone like me who really appreciates good graphics work on packaging.
Continue after the jump to check out all the official pics and info!
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A tweet was just sent out showing off the packaging design for the highly anticipated, upcoming NECA ED-209 Deluxe Boxed Figure. The NECA ED-209 was announced a good while ago. They showed off a prototype for it, but not much else has been seen or heard from about it since then, until now. We know that the ED-209 will be in scale with the NECA Robocop 7″ figures, will be fully articulated, and feature dialogue and sound effects! This monster of a toy is due to be out in stores between 4-6 weeks, so most likely sometime in November. You can pre-order the NECA ED-209 right now at BigBadToyStore.
Check eBay to catch up on the NECA Robocop
action figures so you have something to display with your ED-209!
Continue after the jump for the full image!
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