My Custom Action Figure archive is arranged in alphabetical order. Click a category below to jump to it on this page. Click on a name to view the cooresponding page.
DC Universe and Movie Custom Action Figures: TOP
Batman (Batman v Superman Movie Style)
Batman, Armored w/ LED Light Up Eyes (Batman v Superman Movie Style)
Batman (Animated Series Style)
Batman, Arkham Origins (w/ Added Articulation)
Batman Arkham Origins (Battle Damaged W/ Shock Gloves)
Batman, Justice Lords (Movie Concept)
Commissioner Gordon (DCUC Style)
Deadshot (Arkham City Influenced)
Doomstroke (Doomsday/Deathstroke Amalgam)
Flash (CW TV Series Season 2) w/ Added Articulation
Green Lantern & Hal Jordan, Movie Masters
Joker (Arkham Asylum) w/ Added Articulation
Joker, Cesar Romero (1966 Batman TV Show)
Dr. Manhattan V.2, Watchmen Movie
Nightwing, Dark Knight Rises Movie Concept
Ra’s Al Ghul (League of Shadows Movie Style)
Robin (Teen Titans/Young Justice Amalgam)
The Spirit, Comic Accurate Movie Figure
Superman Man of Steel Classic Style Repaint w/ Heat Vision Blasts
Superman (Justice Lords) Man of Steel Movie Concept
Superman The Movie (Christopher Reeve Likeness)
Wonder Twins w/ Gleek (3 3/4″ Scale)
Custom Action Figure Displays and Display Pieces: TOP
Bat Signal (Classic Comic Style)
Custom Life Sized Prop Replicas: TOP
Liu Kang Light-Up Fireball (Mortal Kombat)
Scorpion Spear and Posable Chain (Mortal Kombat)
Sub-Zero Light-Up Ice Ball (Mortal Kombat)
Amalgam Custom Action Figures: TOP
Dark Claw (Batman/Wolverine Amalgam Comics)
Darth Knight (Batman/Darth Vader Amalgam)
Darth Knight Version 2.0 (Batman/Star Wars Amalgam)
G.I. Joe and other 3 3/4″ Custom Action Figures TOP
Cobra Commander, Rise of Cobra
Cobra Commander w/ Removable Mask, Pursuit of Cobra
Deep Six, Rise of Cobra Movie Concept
Dial Tone (25th Anniversary Style)
Neo Viper Officer (Metallic Orange)
Rene Belloq (Indiana Jones, Raiders of the Lost Ark)
Roadblock, Rise of Cobra Movie Concept
Snake Eyes, Rise of Cobra Movie Concept
Space Viper, Rise of Cobra Movie Concept
Space Neo Viper (Version 2), Rise of Cobra Movie Concept
Storm Shadow, Rise of Cobra Movie Concept
Storm Shadow, White Business Suit Movie Style
He-Man Classics Masters of the Universe Custom Action Figures: TOP
Eye-Lash MOTUC (Original character by Joe Martin)
Aliens VS Predator Custom Action Figures: TOP
Custom Aliens Sgt. Apone (Kenner Style)
Custom Bat Alien Xenomorph (SNES Alien VS. Predator Video Game)
Custom Bull Alien Xenomorph (Kenner Style)
Custom Chestburster Mutant (Aliens Arcade Game)
Custom Aliens Drake (Kenner Style)
Custom Predator Armor Dutch Schaefer (Movie Concept)
Custom Teresa “Tequila” Aquila (2010 AVP Video Game)
RoboCop Custom Action Figures: TOP
RoboCop (Night Fighter Remake)
Ghostbusters Custom Action Figures: TOP
Containment Unit w/ Lights and Sounds
Janine Melnitz in Ghostbusters Uniform, Movie Style
Janine Melnitz in Ghostbusters Uniform, Version 2
Janine Melnitz, Ghostbusters 2 Style
Louis Tully w/ Bus Driver Slimer, Ghostbusters 2 Style
Retro Action Real Ghostbusters w/ Custom Proton Streams
Movie Based Custom Action Figures: TOP
Freddy Krueger 2010, Super Poseable
Television Based Custom Action Figures: TOP
Castiel the Fallen Angel, Supernatural
Video Game Based Custom Action Figures: TOP
Captain Falcon, Super Smash Bros Melee Style
Contra Arcade Game Mad Dog and Scorpion (Movie Concepts)
Dante’s Inferno “Heaven Dante” Concept
Raiden w/Lightning Blast Attachments, Mortal Kombat 9
Scorpion w/Alternate Flame Head, Mortal Kombat 9
Sub-Zero w/Ice Blast Attachment, Mortal Kombat 9
Adult Swim Custom Action Figures: TOP
Venture Bros., The: Brock “Murderfly” Samson
Transformers Custom Action Figures: TOP
Shockwave (DOTM) w/Light-Up Eye and Triple Change Feature
Springer (Triple Changer), Transformers Generations
T-B.U.G., Original Transformers/Terminator Crossover Concept
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Custom Action Figures: TOP
The Shredder (Nickelodeon TMNT)
TMNT Repaints Set (2012 Nickelodeon Series)
TMNT 2014 Movie Accurate Repaint Set
Thundercats Custom Action Figures: TOP
Miscellaneous Custom Action Figures: TOP
Aurelio Voltaire (Gothic Folk Singer)
Ian Glover Vampire Hunter (Based on the Webcomic Series)
Rudolph the Reindeer (Original Concept by Daniel O’Brien)
Scott Pilgrim in Plumtree T-Shirt
Wedding Cake Toppers and Gifts Custom Action Figures: TOP
John and Sarah Harmon (That’s Me and my Wife!)
The Wedding Avengers (Groom & Groomsmen Gifts w/ Their Likenesses)
Anime Custom Action Figures: TOP
Ashram the Black Knight, Record of Lodoss War
Original Custom Action Figures: TOP