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*** Head on over to my Ebay Auctions to see what’s available this week, or commission me if you’d like your very own custom action figure like this one. ***
And don’t forget to check out the Youtube video below to see some exclusive WIP photos!
I always wanted Mattel to make a proper Ra’s Al Ghul Batman Begins figure, but since that never happened, here I bring you Ra’s Al Ghul in full League of Shadows ninja gear! Ra’s al Ghul was made using a Star Wars the Black Series Episode 3 Obi-Wan Kenobi, the head from a Movie Masters Ra’s Al Ghul, and the forearms from a Movie Masters Batman Begins Batman. I fused the Batman Begins forearms to the Obi-Wan arms, and used Aves Apoxie Sculpt to blend and fill in the gaps. I also added plating to the back of the hands (including the rivets!) with styrene. The lower cloak was replaced with fabric. The belt is made using two strips of styrene, with the belt buckle being fodder that happened to be perfectly movie accurate. Everything was repainted several shades of dark brown to match the movie, with the gauntlets dry brushed lightly for a metallic look. The head was also completely repainted, and I even sculpted in to cover that weird open mouth gap he had before. One katana later and League of Shadows Ra’s Al Ghul is ready to take down Batman and do all that is necessary to cleanse the world of corruption!
Custom Action Figure – Batman Arkham Origins w/ Shock Gloves & Thor the Dark World w/ Poseable Cape!
Hey there! This week’s new customs are a Marvel/DC twofer. Up first is a new custom Batman Arkham Origins figure, complete with video game accurate battle damage and equipped with Electrocutioner Shock Gloves! And then I have a Marvel Select Thor the Dark World custom action figure complete with a wire poseable cloth cape! Click each picture below to see the corresponding page to view the full gallery and detailed description for each custom figure. And don’t forget to view the videos I made for both Arkham Origins Batman and Thor to see exclusive WIP photos and more! And if this is your first time here, check out the Custom Action Figure Archive so you can view every single custom action figure I’ve made up to this point. Here at Mint Condition Customs, toys become Interactive Art!
Custom Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014 Movie Accurate) Action Figure Set – Created August 4th, 2014
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*** Head on over to my Ebay Auctions to see what’s available this week, or commission me if you’d like your very own custom action figure like this one. ***
I’m pretty psyched for the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie, but the official Playmates figures leave a lot to be desired. So I decided to fix them in order to bring the movie designs to life in action figure form. I studied several images and trailer stills in order to get down every detail. Each figure has been fully repainted from head to toe. I gave them spots on their skin, Japanese Kanji on their bandanas and shells, and realistic shading, highlights, and weathering. For Leonardo I used the head from the Combat Warrior figure (the one where you squeeze the legs to make the arms swing), because it’s actually smaller than the basic figure’s head (which is too big), and it sits better on the figure. I also added the NYC button on his weapon strap. For Michelangelo, I added the shades hanging around his necklace, and the tattoo on his left bicep. On Raphael I carved the scar over his lip, painted the tattoo on his right bicep, and gave him some shades that fit on his forehead. For Donatello, I used the head from the Combat Warrior figure as well, because the sculpt of the head gear was much more detailed, and looked a lot better. I made his glasses out of craft wire, with sewing thread for the tape and painted them to look like tortoiseshell frames. I also used sewing thread for the electrical wiring to connect pieces of his equipment, including the iPads on the back of his belt. Of course I also went through and gave all their weapons realistic repaints as well, adding real chain to Mikey’s. And now that the Ninja Turtles actually look like they do from the movie, they’re ready to take down Shredder and the entire Foot Clan. COWABUNGA!
Custom Super Shredder (Movie Style) TMNT Action Figure – Created February 4th, 2014
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*** Head on over to my Ebay Auctions to see what’s available this week, or commission me if you’d like your very own custom action figure like this one. ***
With all the recent news for the new TMNT movie, I felt inspired. I know it’s goofy, but I still love the Super Shredder from the end of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Secret of the Ooze, and just had to make him in figure form. I used the body from an LCBH Wrarrl, feet from a Toy Biz LOTR figure, cape from a DCSH Bizarro, and pieces from the original Movie Star Super Shredder figure. The whole body was painted the appropriate purple, and then I attached the cape. Then, I attached the Super Shredder belt under the Wrarrl belt to give the appearance of one big belt, and attached all the other Super Shredder pieces as well, with some dremeling of course. Everything was painted up, including the mace from the original Super Shredder figure. I finished it up with a custom movie style canister of TGRI mutagen ooze, and now the Super Shredder is ready to DINE ON TURTLE SOUP!

Review – Spider-Man w/ Interchangeable Head – 6″ Movie Amazing Spider-Man, Hasbro
Back around the time the Amazing Spider-Man movie came out, Hasbro released some 6″ action figures based on Spider-Man and the Lizard. Well recently Hasbro released a new figure in the 6″ line, that of Spider-Man with an alternate unmasked head, which is the subject of today’s review. Is it worth picking up? Join me as I take a closer look and find out.
Custom Amazing Spider-Man (Movie Style Repaint w/ Magnetic Feet) 6″ Marvel Legends Action Figure – Created Sept 9th, 2012
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*** Head on over to my Ebay Auctions to see what’s available this week, or commission me if you’d like your very own custom action figure like this one. ***
I recently picked up the new 6″ Amazing Spider-Man movie figures, and while I think the figure has really great articulation, the paint job was severely lacking. The web lines on the suit weren’t painted, and in fact almost no detail was really painted on the suit. The entire paint scheme was too “toyish” and didn’t really match the movie, so I aimed to fix it. I repainted the entire figure, head to toe, giving him dark color washes, with dry brushed highlights to really bring out the sculpt. I outlined all the webbing on his suit, and lightly dry brushed some mithril silver on him, and then clear red and blue (where needed) to give him that slightly metallic look that he had in the movie. I also added powerful magnets in his feet so he can cling to any metal surface. He’s now got a gritty, more realistic look to him that’s all the more accurate to the movie portrayal. All of his web lines on his suit are filled in, so now he looks like he just stepped out of the movie, and now he’s actually a “wall crawler”!

News – Expendables Action Figures Coming From Diamond Select Toys!
That’s right, Art Asylum just updated their blog today with some info regarding some Expendables product coming this year. They mention the Minimates sets available right now in stores, and show off promo images of the first three action figures in their Expendables 7″ scale toy line.
Continue after the jump for pictures and more info!
News – Figma Link, Godfather Monopoly, & LEGO Batman 2
I am one who loves to partake in the occasional video game. And you all know I toys. I also enjoy a board game every now and then. So that’s why I put all the topics into today’s news post into one, to give you all some information regarding some upcoming game/toy news.
First up in the Action figure/Video game crossover news, we have a Legend of Zelda Link figure coming from the Japanese Figma toy line from Max Factory.
Continue after the jump for pictures of Figma Link, as well as a slew of information regarding all of the topics from the title!
News – Avengers Hellicarrier and Quinjet Toys Revealed at UK Toy Fair 2012!
Thanks to MarvelousNews we have confirmations as well as verbal descriptions and photos of the new Avengers Movie based Quinjet and a new 3 feet long Shield Hellicarrier toy. Thanks to Dark Horse who posted the following information over on The Red Shadows message board.
More after the jump!